Saturday, March 31, 2007


I played the session I wanted to, about 5-6 hours worth. Holy fucking rollercoaster, like usual. I have a bunch of hand histories, but I don't have time to post them now, maybe later. Lets just say I was 1k up, 3k down, back to even, 3k down, back to even, 3k up, back to even, 2k down, back to even, 2k up, back to even, and finally, 2400 down. Played 5/10 and 10/20 NL on Party.

Oh, and I jumped into two $1100+$30 HUSNGs, lost them both. Luck runs out in the bigger SNGs, bleh. Beat the same guy in a $550+$20, meh. Down $1,730, boo.

So, that's the secret, win small, lose big. I played a little tilty here and there, not sure why. Probably lost over $3-$4k worth in pots to shitty short-stacked all-ins when I was way ahead. Played a couple hands super retarded, will post them later. Busy getting knocked out of the Pegcity Hustling tourney right now...

Results: -$4,120
Total: -$1,920

Friday, March 30, 2007

Longest heads-up SNG ever

Played some more heads-up SNGs, hoping to get a real session in tonight...

Last night played one $220+$10 on both FT and PS. On PS, opponent made a donkey bluff into my straight, won in 6 hands. On FT, opponent came back from 140 chips (start with 1,500), doubled up 3 times in a row, then I busted him with AK next hand, won in 44 hands.

Today, i found a fishie playing $220+$10 SNGs on FT (Linda1987, terrible) and beat her twice. First match, I get KK 1st hand, she folds SB. 2nd hand, I get AK, and get AIPF vs. 33 (donkey hand for all-in so early) and make the nut flush. Win in 2 hands. Second match, I check-raise bluff the flop after she raised PF, get AA 2nd hand but little action, then instacall her river bluff on the 3rd hand. Win in 3 hands.

Then, I had the longest turbo HU-SNG I've ever had on FT: 31 minutes and 11 blind levels! We ended at 150/300 blinds. Unreal, we were both under 500 chips at least 2-3 times each and came back to even. He was a complete passive calling station, which I beat 75% of the time at least, so I hate when they last long enough to reach high blinds. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

All-in-all, these SNGs are going well, but I wanna start playing some cash. Find it tough to find more than 30-60 minutes at a time to play...

Result: +$620
Total: +$2,200

Two SNGs, enough for today

Shopping, dinner, movie (Reign Over Me, very good) with the wife...good times. Got home, just fired off two quick FT $550+$20 heads-up SNGs.

Won the first in 5 hands:

1st hand: was pretty darn sure he'd fold here. said in chat he had 9 high.
5th hand: no-brainer all-in for both of us, that's what you get for slowplaying AA sucker.

Won the second match in 8 hands:

7th hand: he had already check-raised me all-in twice previously, gotta make the call eventually.

So, got lots of work done today, fun night, quick poker score, sucked out on AA as a 2:1 dog, goin' to Barca to relax for a bit....wish everyday was so smoooooooth sailing!

Result: +$1,060
So far since blog started: +$1,580 (could be lost in 5 minutes of normal cash game!)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tried Mansion 100k

Sorry haven't had much great content so far, just too busy with and studying real estate right now. Will soon have a little more time and hopefully play some real sessions.

Tried the Mansion $95+$5 today ($100k guaranteed). Another sweet $40k-something overlay. I meant to push all-in on the turn against a guy, hit all-in button, then instead of hitting raise to execute it, I hit call. He ended up rivering trips and i paid him off (he would have never called the turn all-in). So, stupid me, that's what I get for chasing my son around the basement while I try to play poker. :P

I had 20% of Quentin. Waste of money of course (out in 3 minutes). But, I don't take a piece of Angst and he cashes.

Going to try that tourney again whenever I get the chance.

Result: -$100

Good ol' Barca

Swung by Barca tonight to sit and relax a bit, ended up shooting it up in the $1/$2 NL game for an hour (not even maybe). Got up about $250, pissed a little away, cashed out a small profit. Ho-hum. Found a guy (Gavin) who claims to be good at NHL 07 and Halo 2 on Xbox360, we'll see about that sucker...

Results: +$130

Couple quick SNGs

Only had a short amount of time to play today, so jumped into 3 quick $550+$20 turbo heads-up SNGs on Full Tilt. Won and outplayed the guy in the first two, then lost the 3rd to a different guy who turned a straight with my AQ top two pair, no brainer.

Result: +$490

Monday, March 26, 2007

Let it begin...

Welcome to my blog. This is my first blog and I feel a little nerdy (not the first time for that I guess) and wonder if anyone really cares about this stuff. Guess we'll see!

I've probably had more interesting times in my poker career when I used to play more often, but I hope I can still come up with some good stories. I've always been a very swingy player, and I'm actually hoping having to write in this blog about all my sessions will MAYBE calm me down a little.

I've read two disaster blogs about tournament players who scored pretty big (one $250,000 and the other $800,000) as somewhat casual players, then decided to step into pretty big cash games. The 250k woman quit after losing 175k in 3 months in big tournament entries (didn't make the money once) and $50/$100 limit. The 800k lost everything in 3 weeks playing live $50/$100 NL cash games, often against pretty big name pros. He lost the last $100k on blackjack and craps. He updated the blog daily and continued to do so for a couple weeks after going broke as he got his old job back. The blog ended the day he went back to work. He had almost exactly the same amount of money as he had the day before winning the big tournament.

So anyway, I don't know if this will be nearly as entertaining as that guy, but I sure as shit ain't going to go broke trying. I'd like to set a goal for myself, but I have no idea how much playing I'll do and at what levels all the time, so screw it. I'll just play whatever I feel like at the time and see what happens, pretty much like I always have I guess.

If you want to make comments on the blog, post here in the comments section. If you want to have a discussion, please post on the message board under "Travis' No-Limit Poker Corner".

If my poker career goes in the shitter starting today, I will blame all of you for jinxing me!