Monday, March 26, 2007

Let it begin...

Welcome to my blog. This is my first blog and I feel a little nerdy (not the first time for that I guess) and wonder if anyone really cares about this stuff. Guess we'll see!

I've probably had more interesting times in my poker career when I used to play more often, but I hope I can still come up with some good stories. I've always been a very swingy player, and I'm actually hoping having to write in this blog about all my sessions will MAYBE calm me down a little.

I've read two disaster blogs about tournament players who scored pretty big (one $250,000 and the other $800,000) as somewhat casual players, then decided to step into pretty big cash games. The 250k woman quit after losing 175k in 3 months in big tournament entries (didn't make the money once) and $50/$100 limit. The 800k lost everything in 3 weeks playing live $50/$100 NL cash games, often against pretty big name pros. He lost the last $100k on blackjack and craps. He updated the blog daily and continued to do so for a couple weeks after going broke as he got his old job back. The blog ended the day he went back to work. He had almost exactly the same amount of money as he had the day before winning the big tournament.

So anyway, I don't know if this will be nearly as entertaining as that guy, but I sure as shit ain't going to go broke trying. I'd like to set a goal for myself, but I have no idea how much playing I'll do and at what levels all the time, so screw it. I'll just play whatever I feel like at the time and see what happens, pretty much like I always have I guess.

If you want to make comments on the blog, post here in the comments section. If you want to have a discussion, please post on the message board under "Travis' No-Limit Poker Corner".

If my poker career goes in the shitter starting today, I will blame all of you for jinxing me!

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