Friday, March 30, 2007

Longest heads-up SNG ever

Played some more heads-up SNGs, hoping to get a real session in tonight...

Last night played one $220+$10 on both FT and PS. On PS, opponent made a donkey bluff into my straight, won in 6 hands. On FT, opponent came back from 140 chips (start with 1,500), doubled up 3 times in a row, then I busted him with AK next hand, won in 44 hands.

Today, i found a fishie playing $220+$10 SNGs on FT (Linda1987, terrible) and beat her twice. First match, I get KK 1st hand, she folds SB. 2nd hand, I get AK, and get AIPF vs. 33 (donkey hand for all-in so early) and make the nut flush. Win in 2 hands. Second match, I check-raise bluff the flop after she raised PF, get AA 2nd hand but little action, then instacall her river bluff on the 3rd hand. Win in 3 hands.

Then, I had the longest turbo HU-SNG I've ever had on FT: 31 minutes and 11 blind levels! We ended at 150/300 blinds. Unreal, we were both under 500 chips at least 2-3 times each and came back to even. He was a complete passive calling station, which I beat 75% of the time at least, so I hate when they last long enough to reach high blinds. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

All-in-all, these SNGs are going well, but I wanna start playing some cash. Find it tough to find more than 30-60 minutes at a time to play...

Result: +$620
Total: +$2,200

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks good travis keep it up, i need more stuff to read while playing