Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lost biggest pot of my life, but still rollin'

Since the last update things have been going pretty smooth, with one big exception mentioned in the subject (see Session 2). Here are the sessions:

Session 1 (graph) - I get really lucky here. The explanation is simple, I REALLY felt he was on a draw, specifically KQ. If I was right I was a huge favourite, and if I was wrong, I figured I had some outs for sure. Anyway, I was wrong, but I did have the few outs I was hoping for (8 as it turns out). What a gross river. I made a read and trusted it here, so I won't sweat over it too much and will just be happy I got lucky. :) - big pot! I play this hand to induce a bluff, so my plan is to check-call the whole way. He's got total air! I'm making so much money from guys bluffing at $25/$50, they can't help themselves. I'm going to get off this table too. There are a couple really solid players that cover me, and I just don't feel like playing for $11k on a table right now.

Considering I was partially drunk during this session I should be very happy with a winning session and the nice comeback. I think I played fine even though I started poorly, but I lost a lot of ugly medium-sized pots early. Or maybe I was drunk and playing like a moron, I dunno, but I was being pretty careful about not playing stupid drunk poker. Anyway, I hardly ever drink so this is rarely an issue (and it's fun to play while a little buzzed!). I guess I really should play a smaller game at those times though.

Anyway, I'll take the win.

Session 2 (graph) - gross running cooler... - nice start to this table, hold against a flush draw, too bad I didn't buy in for full because I probably double up here. - Ace high bluff call. - I'm planning on calling river if he bets (probably!), so he's wise to give up and check. I've got a good read on bluffs tonight (I swear I'm folding sometimes too!). I'll have to be careful of aggressive plays against me on the $10/$20 tables because I probably look like a calling station at the moment, don't think I'll get bluffed much anymore. - whew! cooler avoided! I actually make the completely wrong chicken-fold against this super aggressive opponent, but I would have gotten ridiculously outflopped. - I knew I should be betting turn here. See? Guys are starting to get reluctant to bluff me after those few hands and from previous sessions. - no-brainer shortstack cooler - get caught bluffing trying to represent AK on river. I should have just given up, I had a bad feeling on that river bet (or bet the turn instead where he's much more likely to fold). - I think he might have nothing on flop raise, so i play to induce bluff. I would have probably raised the turn if he bet, but he checked. I go along with the charade and get paid for a nice bet on the river. If I raise back on the flop, I don't think he's calling, so I don't mind how this went. - next hand baby! fuck yah! Against the same guy! I hate the turn and river, but it doesn't matter because as it turns out he's drawing dead. Ship it! - I get paid off by the same guy that called me on my A8 bluff earlier. - yes! send it AGAIN against enyoj. I'm owning this guy even though he's a regular and a winning player. I'll check later how much I'm up on him, but it's lots. - wow, enyoj is getting frustrated against me. He obviously tries to pull a 3-bet bluff on the flop here. I actually misplay this because I assume with that big raise we're getting it all-in here. But, if you think about it, I have no reason to raise. If he has touch/draw/overpair/anything we're getting it in on ANY turn card. And if he's bluffing, he might continue on the turn (or catch a shitty touch on the turn). But whatever, I'll take it. - Oh my God. $20k pot, what a sick cooler. I lose my stack no matter how this hand is played out because he'll call a flop raise for sure with his double gutter. Gah, so gross. I was having an amazing session and was on my last rotation before cashing out my big stacks. Fuck, that sucks. I have "autopost" clicked off on my $25/$50 tables with big stacks. I don't know if I could fold on the turn against this guy. He could definitely have an inferior hand like a set of 7s or 8s, traheho isn't scared to get his chips in that's for sure.

After that super huge $20k pot cooler I'm quitting for the night. Geezus, I wish that board had paired on the river. Ugh. I was having such a great session that I'm still up, but just under a measily $1k which is pretty much even at these stakes. I was so stoked the entire session to be having such a great run and of course, this happens. And it was the only match-up on the entire 5 tables I could lose even close to this much on one hand. Wow, that pot will stick in my head for a little while, I would have thrown a freakin' party if the board paired on the river. I guess it's good news to lose the biggest pot of my life and be up for the 3 hour session. But, damn.

Oh, and I just checked, I'm up over $13k on enyoj mostly in the past 5 days, and $9.5k on queenkris (even though he's won 126 pots to my 86 pots against each other). Probably more good luck than management, though enyoj really seems to like paying me off.

Session 3 (graph, doesn't include Betfair)

Made a quick and easy $2600 on Betfair 10/20 to start the session off (not on graph because doesn't import into PT properly). Then switched to Party again and went on a nice little heater to start off and made $9k in about 300 hands. - lol, donation to the charity of me. I would have puked if a 5 rivered. This was the only big hand.

Then I jumped into a $109 tourney and got screwed when I flopped two pair out of the big blind and a guy who slowplayed QQ pre-flop turned a Q after we got all-in on flop. But in another $109 turbo tourney I placed 6th (out of about 170 players) after my A8 lost to Q2 allin preflop. Cashed over $900, but had to give stupid "I suck at Hold'Em" Quentin 30% because we 70/30 chopped it. Then he beat me in 4 straight games in NHL 08 which is embarrassing beyond belief (well no, I guess Angst losing 0-1 to my wife who hasn't played any video games in over 10 years was worse).

Anyway, then I jumped back into Party and lost some of my winnings to finish up about $4500 on Party for the session. I have to show one hand which is stupid beyond belief (on my part): - lol, looking at this hand with no explanation is mind-baffling. So, if you didn't assume it, my 3-bet min-raise pre-flop is obviously a misclick. Then the cocksucker doubles my bet (obviously with AA), and I make the stupidest pre-flop call ever for another $360 to try and screw him. And look what I flop? A stupid heart draw. Then I jam all-in into him because I'm retarded, and I turn a 3 to boot, but still miss the 14 or so outs I have on the river. Man, talk about gross if I had of hit my hand (or running trips or 2 pair even better, lol). Oh well, I suck. Stupid misclick.


So, all-in-all, running pretty good. That $20k pot really hurt, but still scraped together a little over $10k since last update.

I found a new fish on Party, SLAVIK223. Hopefully he sticks around for awhile. He's basically a calling station who plays almost 50% of his hands and makes awfully timed overbet bluffs occasionally.

I spilt a bunch of milk on my older laptop and it's screwed. Gonna get it cleaned and see if Future Shop will fix it on extended warranty. What a mess.

We're trying to plan a group to go play $5/$10 NL at Regent on Tuesday (starting around 3pm). If you're interested let me know if you're coming out. There is a $224 freeze-out tourney at 6:30pm that night also. Should be some good times!

I'm out.

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