Friday, September 7, 2007

Tryin' my best here

I ended up feeling like playing tonight and put in a little over 1000 hands. Here is the graph. Check out the crazy dip (then rebound) around hand #888. I scraped together $400 in a turbo SNG and finished down a little under $1000 tonight. I have a ton of hands below and lots of documentation while i was playing and I'm as tired as death, so I'll let this talk for itself: - damn, that's gross. This guy runs at 55% VPIP (voluntarily put in pot) across 1500 hands. I check-call him down with full confidence that he's making a move. But wait, he goes running trips. I think he bets twice as much on the river if he misses and I scoop a nice pot. Oh well. - i like this hand. i was very confident my line here would allow me to make a good river bluff. i was quite certain I wasn't getting called on this one. - paid him off. - this is so disgusting. these guys are terrible. KT? are you kidding. i absolutely can't get anything going losing hands like this all the time. - hmm, odd hand. I get lucky that two bricks don't come because i'm calling him down in a heartbeat here. turns out i turn a chop and river the winning hand (and get a nice thin little value bet in there too). in a previous hand i saw this guy reraise Q9, then get all-in preflop with it. - I try to get tricky on flop, then I have no idea where I'm at from then on. I almost folded on the turn here. If he bets more on river I might still fold. - wow, same seat as the KK earlier. i am running so bad with KK/AA. He plays his hand so odd. Nice fucking catch on the turn, bleh. I don't regret my river push at all. I'm good here (versus hands like AK, KQ, QQ, JJ, etc.) so often, plus I'll get called by a lot of them. Would be nice to win one reraised pot with KK/AA soon. And I'm just getting blindsided by the hands beating me too., - SNG: i got busy with cash games and was accidently sitting out for these hands in a $215 SNG. LOL. woops. - SNG: wow, this is what it's like to win with KK - SNG: and AA! - SNG: win a coinflip to stay alive.

SNG: I had KQ chop with KJ heads-up to win the SNG, then ended up getting 2nd for $600. Not bad for being a dumbass and missing all those hands and blinding the majority of my stack while passing up KK and JJ. - and back to cash game. holy shit. did i kick sick kittens for fun in another life or something? what the hell? - gah, i would bet anything he was on a draw here, sigh. I knew he could have this hand, but i decided to look him up. Another gross hand.

At this point, I'm down $1700 but feel like I'm playing very strong and I'm finding a lot of fish on Party. If I can start having guys miss a draw or win with overpairs after putting 40-60% of my stack in as a huge favourite - i don't know what to say. i keep getting my chips in with huge hands and I don't expect to win at all. no matter how huge my hand is, i picture the pot going over to my opponent, then somehow, it does. i can't even fathom how many all-ins I've lost as a 70-85% favourite. - this is such a struggle. this is what happens when i hit a draw. i make a weak, frustrated call here on the river. i guess he could have been bluffing, but i didn't really think so.

I'm playing decent and even with these last 2 hands I've only lost $300 more and am $2000 down now. - i know, lets see how many times i can lose allin preflop with KK/AA. i've quite honestly never seen a run of cards this bad over this many hands.

I'm going to take a little break. I'm down $1600 right now, which feels like nothing considering all these dumb beats. - meh, darn. this is usually safe to do. note taken on this player. - yaaaaay, the nuts held up (even against the worse turn card in the deck)! - definitely the turn card I was hoping for. - meh, badly played. - entice a little bluff here. - sigh, not sure if there is any other play for me to make on this flop, i dunno.

Back to $2500 down for session. - think i get decent value out of this hand. - after his call on the flop, i pegged him squarely on QT and trusted this read. He snapcalled the turn too, making me really have to grind my teeth to jam the river. - damn, i donate a little here. couldn't let go. he caught this hand at the perfect time after tilting away some chips previously. - of course, I can't get one to go my way. big hit on the 25/50 table. this is really getting discouraging.

Now down almost $4500. Things just are not looking good. This is pretty discouraging, once again. - Yes! This was probably the first non-optimal hand I played on this table. I felt 57 so bad from him which is why I check the turn (in other words, I'm just expecting guys to hit every draw right now). I should have jammed the river all-in, I almost did then decided not to be too greedy, but if he can call the raise to $2500 he can probably call an all-in. Oh well, I'll take it. Finally one for the good guys. Gah, I really wish I'd jammed all-in for the $1200 extra.

Back to down $1700 and I have to be on the golf course in under 6 hours (sigh...). - come on! pull the trigger buddy! i would have snapcalled this, i was just waiting for the call button to pop up. - i make a marginal/dangerous flop call to the raise, but nail the turn, and get paid off for a big river bet. this is a lucky hand. - really figured him on 2 big cards, so this is an easy call with the dead money in pot. but, rivered on another coinflip.

Well, I'm tired and only have 3 hours to sleep. Finished down $1000. I don't feel too bad about that. However, I'm really really looking forward to the day I can stop being happy with small losses. What a rollercoaster. I feel alright about my play though. I hope I keep finding more of this weak play I'm seeing on Party. One day soon, I'll be able to crack a nice profit I'm thinking if it keeps up. Trust me, it's hard to be optimistic about that right now though.

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