Monday, May 28, 2007

Back to basics, sort of

I've tried going back to the basics a little bit and am focusing on my positional play a little more. I'm going to try super-tightening up in early/mid position. I think I am spewing a little too much money with mediocre starting hands in early position.

I got $3k transferred into my UltimateBet account recently. Last time I played on UB I ran $5k into around $30k, then lost it all in a couple absolutely miserable nights of $10/$25 heads-up. I don't plan on much $10/$25 this time around, only if there is a huge fish (though I lost about half of that $30k before to a complete idiot).

I played a little 5/10 NL on UB earlier today and won a quick $1,400. I jumped back in tonight and hit the tables pretty hard for almost 4 hours. I was on fire at the start and had built my original $3k into almost $9k. Then, I absolutely hit the wall, made a couple ugly plays, and pissed away another big session. I'm not complaining too much because I'm still winning, but it's becoming a pattern getting way up then dwindling back at least 50% of it. Not sure if it's a leak in my game or just variance. I think I got away from my plan of tightening up a little and playing more position. However, so much of the play on UB tonight was 3-4 handed, and that changes everything. There is NO early position....there is just "in the blinds" and "not in the blinds".

Anyway, after pissing a bunch back, my profit for the day finished at $2160 (meaning I only ended up making $760 in 2nd session tonight). I sort of feel like playing still, but I went on a such a downswing my confidence is a little shot. I'm going to stop playing at those times and this is a decent win to book.

Played a couple sessions on PP 5/10 and 10/20 past couple days.

First session I made a nice comeback and jumped ship pretty quickly after getting myself back in the positive numbers. The graph. Some hands:

So gross

Catch him in a little river bluff, thought it smelt fishy

Finally, FINALLY, against this guy. I finally hit a big one and he freakin' donates to me. Imagine a T on river, I would have lost my mind. I thought for sure I was losing to diamonds, didn't even want to call my last $96. :P

Stupid shortstacks, must be nice K8

Pretty big bluff...

Another shortstack donation from me, seemed like a nice flop for me

Next session, things went VERY smoothly and it was one of those nights I was making all the right decisions and my hands were holding when they should. Fun, fun. Seems so easy. Chalk up a $4680 profit. The graph. Some hands:

This hand is looks completely normal, however look at that hand imagining I think I'm only open-ended, because that is what I thought! I'm actually semi-bluffing this hand on the turn, and I THINK I'm totally bluffing J high on the river. Needless to say, I was a little surprised when the pot got shipped to me after he called. Haha, woops. It works out well, but I stack this guy for sure if I actually knew I flopped the straight (I would have bet the flop 100% of the time here). Anyway, I should pay a little more attention, haha.

I make a pretty big laydown in this hand. I make an extremely cautious check on the turn, but I just smelt KJ so bad. And then the T on the river just makes it so I'm not really beating anything (even if it wasn't KJ or a set, now I'm losing to a T with straight draw). I don't think the guy is bluffing the river. In fact, I think he has a straight MINIMUM, most likely a full house. But, still big fold in the sense I didn't put ANY money in the pot after turning top 2 pair.

then things started running bad, and I get away with this one and quit...

Great session! BUT, then I felt like a hero and went to relax and shoot it up at Barca for a bit. Hit a couple ugly hands, made one bad bluff, and lost $555 CDN. Ah well, not big deal. Then I got home and thought it would be a great idea to jump onto a PokerStars 25/50 table with the last $1700 in my PS account (I've recently transferred the majority of it to other players). Of course, that didn't work out and I just donk my chips away all-in pre-flop against a bigger ace, again. I don't know why I bother taking mini-shots like that. I know it's sort of a gamble, but I feel confident going in, and I never win. Haha. I never get a no-brainer like all the other stupid shortstackers. Just not my game I guess.But anyway, even with that little lapse of judgement, still booked a couple solid days.

I hope we have the Player's game this week simply because I enjoy it. Don't think I'll substitute for the Regent re-buy again, just not worth the time, especially just to become such a friggin' crapshoot at the end. I'd rather it be faster at the start so I could just get out of there early if I'm not going to win.

I have to learn Stud. I know there is a weekly, very juicy, Stud game at Player's. I think they often play $20/$40 limit or something like that. I might just read a quick section of a book, a little info online, and give it a shot. We'll see, could be fun to learn a new game. Omaha Hi is another game I'd like to give a try.

Gah, this entry took forever to write. Tired. G'night.

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