Thursday, May 24, 2007

Small progress after roadbump

Yo! Things kept rolling for me after the last blog entry. Haven't updated in a few sessions, so it's a little long...

First session I played some random stuff on PS, little 5/10, 10/20, and SNGs. Made $1715. Also jumped on some PP 5/10 and 10/20 tables and ran up to almost $7000, but then dwindled, lost a couple big ones, and finished at $3200. Here are some hands from that session:

Bluff, followed by a nice little hit. I pretty much figure he has a 3 on the flop, but I had a good feeling and it was only double to call. :) And I was only hoping for one T. Awesome how he pays me off playing board on river.

WOW, does this guy ever show what NOT to do with aces! Thanks kindly.

Little bluff on the guy who doubled me up with AA, try to set him up for later. He has already proven he has some talent, but also the potential to play big hands horribly.



And again (though I happily get it in for his small stack everytime)

I don't like how I play this one, in hindsight...piss away a few dollars here...I really want to call river too for some reason, but I'm sure it would have been a donation. But, the bullshit alarms were going in my head...

I don't think I like this one either, but I get away with it...

He instafolds the river. Go ahead, river your heart buddy...

Holy crap, these are back-to-back-to-back-to-back (4 in a row) hands on one 10/20 table! I freakin' love it! Ship it, ship it, ship it, ship it.

I totally do not deserve half this pot...

> Then I get coolered with AT vs. 77 on a AT7 rainbow flop. No hand history because PP screws up sometimes when I get busted.

Meh, I dunno. Probably spades.

> Well, I've gone a little cold and am sensing the strength of my 10/20 tables is much higher now. All the fish are gone and I'm tired anyway. I pissed back at least 2k at the end, but still a nice session.

Before the night ended, I was transferred a little $120 shot into my FT account and decided to see if I could work it up to $2,000 before I went to bed. So, here is how I tried:

$119 9-player turbo SNG, 2nd for $175 profit.
$230 heads-up SNG, win for $210 profit.
Quickly jump on a $10/$20 NL table to scrape together $30 more to afford next SNG.
$520 heads-up SNG, win for $480 profit.
That put me just over $1,000 and I was getting tired so decided, HERE WE GO, and jumped on a $25/$50 NL table with a min-buy of $1,000. I was going hard or going to bed. I got blinded a little then got all-in in the blinds with A7 vs. AT for $850 and lost. Rather anti-climatic. Almost made it. Translates into a $105 loss, so who really cares....

Then, I had a crappy day on PS. Started off with following a fish to 15/30 Limit, and played a couple 3/6 NL tables meanwhile. Didn't really do much, lost at limit like normal, down $360. Then jumped to some heads-up SNGs and lost another $1280 like usual. Then I use some 2 year old $W (money reserved just for special events) on PS and play a $215 9-player SNG. Winner get s $1,050 WSOP qualifier seat, and money for 2nd and 3rd. I almost guarantee a win if this crap doesn't happen...I get 3rd for a $35 profit, but no closer to WSOP main event.

After that stupid KK I got a little tilty and blew $1475 on PS 10/20 and very poor table selection.

Next session was on PP 5/10 and 10/20. Here are some hands:

I definitely got a little reckless here, but it pays off! Nice turn! :)

Big bluff...

And this is me getting outplayed

Stupid shortstacks...

I don't know what to do here...guess I could have stacked him maybe

Little pickup here...whatever he has, he plays it horribly

Fucking shortstacks part annoying...

Big bluff part 2...

Oh my god, I play this hand so pathetically, what am I thinking? Why don't I raise the flop? I'm trying to get fancy, and it makes no sense. And it costs me big time. THen, I make a bad call on the turn and this stupid donkey makes a nice pot when I should have almost busted the other guy instead. Seriously, I'm a fucking idiot. This mistake cost me a TON of money in this hand.

Gettin' a little crazy with the bluffing, but haven't been caught on a big one yet...

I ran so cold forever, then this awesomeness, gah, he took forever to call river too...slowroll

> I finished down $400 after all that.

Next up was my first attempt at the Club Regent re-buy tourney. $54 buy-in, $20 re-buys, $30 add-on. I spent somewhere between $170-$200, so I'll call it $200. I think I folded 3 hands pre-flop before the re-buy period ended. This wasn't too tough though because my table was full of silly calling stations who would never re-raise a hand weaker than QQ pre-flop (lots of smooth calling JJ or lower, AK, AQ, etc, which you obviously shouldn't in a re-buy tourney). So I saw a few flops and built a stack. The only two hands I played for the remainder of the tourney (other than blind steals) was 22 (flopped quads) and 33 (flopped set). Made nice pots on both. Doubled up AQ with AJ once, then got blinded for a while.

The structure is okay early, but gets pretty ridiculous from the final 2 tables down. Even the chip leaders start feeling committed in the blinds. I grinded to final table, 3rd in chips. Then I got my best hand of the ENTIRE tournament, AQ. Folded to me on button, I push all-in and get called by the 2nd chip leader's A7. He rivers the nut flush and I'm out in 10th. Whoooppppeeee. I had a few hundred dollars in my pocket that I had messed around with on roullette and blackjack during the breaks, just planning on cashing it out. But the AQ hand put me on monkey tilt and I went to pound roullette. Turned out to be a great idea as I ran it way up, then lost two huge spins in a row, and decided to leave up $400 in gambling, and up $110 in poker. So, could have been worse!

Afterwards, I went to Barca and tore it up for $1150 profit, and that INCLUDES losing a $600 pot to a 2-outter (flopped a full house with TT against cabbie Mike, got all-in on flop, he turns a K with KK). I get sick action at Barca, it's fun. Granted, I do bluff like a maniac there, can't help it. I also made $450 earlier in the week at Barca. I wish I ran as well online as I have been at Barca, think I'm up around $3,500 in the last month or so in just a few sessions. Not bad for $1/$2 Pot Limit...

Last night, I jumped into some quick 5/10 and 10/20 on PP before my buddy Angst came over for some NHL 07. Donkeyed away $1070 trying to make a quick score and getting pretty badly setup (two one card straight vs. nut straights, one played quite badly by me). But I should consider myself lucky because I play a hand super aggressive with 45 on a 235 flop and surprisingly run into 64 WITH a flush draw, but I turn a 6 and the flush misses, so we chop. Super lucky chop for me, especially considering I'm 2% to win, 10% to tie.

So, out of all those sessions I'm up a tiny $225 US at online cash & SNG, up $130 US in tourneys (counted the $215 WSOP satellite SNG $35 win in there since it's associated with tourneys), and up $1600 CDN live at Barca.

There was no Player's game this week. I'm not sure, but I think the days of $10/$25 might be up, except maybe occasionally. The fuel for that game seems to have dried up. I'll still play the $5/$10 whenever it happens to get in my live play fix.

That's about it. This post is long enough already, so peace!

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