Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Calm again

Okay, my rant is done and I'm back to normal again. Just re-read my last entry, I spazzed a little...

Anyway, fiddled with a little online. Lost my last $600 on FT on an all-in 50/50 playing 10/20 heads-up, like I said previously, good riddance.

Played a mini-5/10 PP session and made $800. Didn't save any hands.

My only real session was a crazy 5/10 rollercoaster. This is my new favourite thing, graphs showing I'm probably a semi-maniac!

Here is a bunch of the action:

bloofy bloof, first hand at table
I absolutely instacall this river, his play made no sense to me on this board.
Somewhat tight fold
I guess I get a little lucky here, but my play is fine, I don't mind getting it in here.
I gotta just start folding AQ pre-flop, I hate my play here...but I'm losing on river
Geezus, I just went on an unbelievably bad run. All these hhands within 5 minutes. I was hitting all over the place and lost every hand. Started so well and now I'm $800 down out of nowhere...
HH lost, but I had AA with As on an all spades board against 66 with 6s and lose to a straight flush. So gross. Stacked me for $1,000.
Then, worse turn for me in this one...cooler against a shortstack.
Why do I bet the river here? Stupid again.
Another tight fold, but I think the right one.
Ah shit, what a donation here. I really think he's on a move, wow, was I wrong. This hand is so bad on so many levels. I'm really making some bad plays today.
First hand I've won in a while as I outflop a set and hold. Still $900 down for session.
Get paid a little with a set.
Hard to grind back with stupid hands like this happening.
Geezus, nothing is going right. I could have bet turn. Over $2k down now.
Wooo, ship it! K high! How surprised do you think I was when the pot went to me?

Nothing is going right. This guy has 3-bet me with such a huge range of hands. I decide to push AK pre-flop which i never do (because I think he'll fold or even call with AQ or worse), and of course, he shows up with AA. I'm starting to feel like the fish at some of these tables. PP doesn't show the hand history when you go bust on a table. Down almost $3k now. I absolutely can't do anything right today.

I almost make a giant laydown on the turn here, and decide "screw it" and push all-in. He thinks for a while and folds. Guess I was good, tough spot...
I hit a lucky river and overset a guy. I almost jam allin on river because I think he's really strong after his river bet, I probably get paid too.

I hit a few more medium hands, but didn't save the hand histories. Scrambled back to only $480 down then had to go watch my son for a while. I didn't play very well, so I think I should be happy with this small loss.

Finally, we played some short-handed $5/$10 at Player's on Tuesday. They've moved the game to Corydon which I like a LOT better. A couple players wanted to set a $3,000 max buy-in rule. Fuck that. I pretty much refused and they agreed to raise it to $5,000 (which is reasonable, 500BB is deep enough). We started with a few turbo-tourneys waiting for players to arrive. We played a $40, $40, and $100 tourneys (all 5-7 handed). I won them all, haha. No skill involved whatsoever (I won all-ins twice with dominated hands). Last time I won a pre-tourney at Players, I lost $19k in the cash game. I got down $1,200 in the cash game this time within 2 rotations and figured the jinx was on again. But, things levelled out and I think I played pretty decently on a whole. I bluffed a ton and didn't really get caught at all.

I got AA and KK at least 10 times in 5 hours of play which is ridiculous. Problem is, I think I lost money with them overall. But, I was hitting with obscure hands to balance it out. Wolters had Rosie's number horribly. I won't get into the hands, but Wolters rivered Rosie on a 6-outter, 5-outter, and ONE outter (case J on river). These 3 hands were a combined pot total of at least $7,500.

Here was my favourite hand: I raise 2-7off in 2nd position. I would have done this with ANY hand because everyone was talking and as far as I could see NO ONE was looking to call any raise (it just happened I had 2-7). Wolters wasn't at the table, but was dealt in on the button and he ran in and decides to call $50 blind. Rosie then also decides to call with obviously a junky hand. Flop is KJ5, two clubs. Rosie bets $25 into me, I raise to $150, Wolters calls pretty quickly, Rosie calls. Turn is another 5. Rosie checks, I check, Wolters bets $400, Rosie grudgingly folds, and I check-raise to $1200. Wolters pretty quickly mucks and says he folded AK later (pretty nice blind hand). I know Wolters will fold pretty much anything except a full house here because I'm repping a huge hand and threatening his entire stack. I was pretty sure he'd have to fold this, I haven't made too many big bluffing bets like this in the past. It's always fun showing ridiculous bluffs in big hands. :)

Anyway, I made $3,500 in the cash game, and about $800 in the pre-tourneys. Only other decent winner was Wolters (4.5k). Rosie had one of the worse runs of luck I've seen in a while (though he still cracked my KK on a 5-outter for a $1,700 pot, which gave him the chips to lose that massive 1-outter to Wolters). Silvano was there for the first two hours (even played a pre-tourney), but didn't play in the cash game. What the hell?!? This session got me back over the 30k mark in this game.

Remember that thing I mention a while back about flipping a house with two other couples? Well, we bought a house for $153k in Westwood. Should be interesting, I'm just going to do what I'm told by the guy who knows his stuff. My role will get bigger when I'm done the real estate course, until then, it's manual labour for me which I usually hate because I'm a lazy bastard. Maybe I'll turn a new leaf....

Oh, and I schooled Grimes for another $100 in golf today at Selkirk. He was lucky it wasn't more. We played $100 match, $100 strokes, $20 birdies, $50 eagles. He made 2 more birdies than me, but lost both match and stroke. Then, he won a $60 sidebet on who could hit closer to the hole from about 80 yards out (I plopped it about 8 feet away, then he managed to get about a foot closer). Between holing a bunker shot (landed in the hole) for par, and sinking 3 birdies on the back-nine, he managed to make a little back. So, good job Grimes, only losing $100 to me is sort of like a win, right? I love golfing for free. Good ol' Grimey. Please do give him a hard time if you see him...thanks!

Well, that's enough for now. Enjoy the weather! I love Winnipeg in the summer...actually, I love anything that isn't -40 degrees.


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