Sunday, May 6, 2007

Few winners in a row...

Well, guess I've been running alright for the past few sessions. I don't think I've had any sessions over an hour, definitely not over two hours. But, it feels good to string together some wins.

I didn't save much for hand histories. Here's what I've been up to:

Betfair $10/$20 (one weak table): +$2,000
Stars $5/$10 (4 tables): +$900
FullTilt HUSNG (heads-up Sit-and-Go): +$530
PS HUSNG: +$105 (in this small SNG I'm just showing my Mom what online poker looks like. I outflop this guy's AK with my AT all-in preflop in later blinds, "that's what poker is about, Mom, put your chips in when losing and hope to get lucky")
Barca $1/$2 mini-session for kicks: +$300 (came back from -$400)

This hand made me chuckle a little. This is my crazy I'm-just-hoping-for-the-best check-raise all-in on the flop. Look what he calls me with, he's drawing to one out. Didn't expect that if I got called! Super genius. Not a big pot but I'll take it...

It looks like my wife and I are going to start attempting to flip houses with two other couples. I think it's a pretty safe investment and the worse case scenario is breaking even on the first couple houses. I'm optimistic about it and should be fun. But, it will cut into the little poker time I have. I have to also write the Phase I exam for this real estate licensing course before I go to Vegas at the end of June. I have two more assignments and a lot of work to do. Actual work this all feels like....gah, I dunno about this! I've also heard of a bunch of guys lately who subscribe to various stocktrading newsletters (between $150-$500/year to subscribe) and are having great success with the stock picks (one guy mentioned he doubled his investment in 2006). Seems too good to be true. Pay a negligable fee to get recommendations, make a few clicks of a mouse merely based on these recommendations, and make money. I could do that, might give it a shot in the near future. I've been reading a lot of information and debates about buying PartyPoker stock. If they ever got business back in the US, then it's a no-brainer. Not sure, still on the rail about that one.

I'm ashamed to say I lost $100 to Grimes golfing. He beat me on #18 to win our match by 1 hole by draining a 40 foot bomb with huge break that he hit 300% too hard but still went in (if it doesn't go in he has the same length putt coming back up the hill). Lucksack. Great match though, we tied the last 7 holes under par down the stretch (except #18 of course). I'll get him back though, still shaking the winter rust!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I'll be in Vegas from June 25th to July 9th. Staying in the penthouse suite at New Frontier (is that like the nicest room on Higgins?) with Angst and Quentin from June 25th - July 2nd, then with my wife, son, and Moms in a 2 bedroom condo at the Desert Rose (5 min off strip behind Tropicana) from July 2nd - 9th. Should be a blast! I'm going to organize a night for the whole Winnipeg and Pegcity Hustling crew to meet up. Just a tip to anyone who hasn't arranged flights yet, check out Super cheap charter flights out of Fargo. Very worth it especially if you drive down with a few people.

Would anyone be interested in playing a $1000-$1200 buy-in 10-man SNG for a WSOP main event seat? Everyone who participates gets 2-3% of the winner if they cash at the WSOP. E-mail me if you'd be SERIOUSLY interested.


Online cash & SNG (since blog start): +$14,675 US
Tournaments (since blog start): +$4,770 US
Live cash (since Nov/06): +$26,700 CDN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You lost to Grimes? I thought you were good at golf! Can't wait for Vegas!