Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Running semi-bad

I just heard my son wake-up from his afternoon nap, so I gotta make this quick. I donked off some cash in two mini-sessions. One a few days ago where I lost a $2,500 pot all-in preflop with KK vs. fucking JT. Guy flops a flush and I'm drawing dead, yay. Lost $1600 on PP that session.

Next was in the C'mon Inn in Fargo (actually, a very nice hotel) after a Martin Sexton concert on Sunday. Lost 3 straight heads-up SNGs. Got most of my chips in with 60/40s in my favour and lost every freakin' one. Then donked a little in 3/6 meanwhile. So, down another $1500 on Full Tilt.

Maybe I'm saving up my luck for the next live Penguin game. Would be a nice freakin' change.

Going to go to Regent tonight and play in their Tuesday re-buy tourney (I think it's re-buys, I sure hope so) for the first time. Not sure why. No Penguin cash game this week so I guess I just feel like a little live poker.

Hung my U of M Computer Science degree in my basement bathroom, looks good. Knew I'd find a use for it one day. God, school feels like it was ages ago. I sure don't miss it. I guess some of you are doing exams now...I don't envy you, but good luck anyway!

Loving watching NHL playoffs. If Buffalo takes the Cup I win something like $1700 from old sports bets I made back before the season started. If Calgary wins I take home around $1000 (but I don't think that looks too likely). And, if Florida wins I cash in $3400 (woops!).

Online cash & SNG (since blog start): +$7,500
Tournaments (since blog start): +$5,180

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