Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ugly, but I'll take it

I had a quick 20 minutes to play a quick session tonight and did so on Party (2 x 5/10 tables) and Betfair (2 x 10/20 tables). I probably demonstrated play that is the prime reason for not playing quickie sessions (impatient, and being a little too optimistic pre-flop). Anyway, I started off on Betfair by turning into a calling station with top pair against the aggressive guy at the table. He bluffed whole way and nailed his gutter on the river, and I paid his ass off for $800 on his river bet. My own fault for playing so passive.

Then, I catch an ugly one which is a combination of horrible play and pretty good fortune. It's against the same guy who hit the other pot on me. I have to write it out because Betfair doesn't have hand histories that can be converted (or hand histories of any kind, which super sucks). He raises to $70 pre-flop and I call with 63 clubs (going to flop a straight of course...). I didn't flop a straight, I flopped bottom pair on a T86 flop. He pounded it and I called. Turn is 3s bringing in 3 spades and my bottom 2 pair. He checks to me and I bet around $380, he check-raises me all-in for around $1700 and I instacall with a TERRIBLE feeling and already hating myself just to see another spade fall on the river pretty much sealing the deal on me blowing a bunch of money. But no, he had T7, no spade, and I take down a $4200 pot. I guess that's what happens when two donkeys butt heads...

I broke even on Party. Put it in the books as a $1,650 win.

STILL watching the Dallas/Vancouver hockey game right now. They just started the 4th freakin' overtime. What a game! The NHL is so awesome now. I wish I played my Junior hockey with the rules like they are now. You think there was a lot of clutching/grabbing before in the NHL? You should have seen Junior A! 4 years dragging guys around the ice by their sticks and taking cheap shots. I saw a Saints/Steelers playoff game and the players could actually skate and create a little flow to the game without all the interference. Anyway, touchy subject for me! Eliminating interference and taking out the 2-line pass was ALWAYS something I wished hockey would do and now here it is 8 years too late!

Half-way through 4th overtime now, the goaltenders are solid. I pick Nagy to score for Dallas (he almost did as I wrote that sentence). Gonna go watch...

Just noticed I cracked the $10k mark for online cash & SNGs since starting this blog, so I guess that is good. Before I start feeling good about it I have to get this Penguin Game going, it's on my mind a lot when I think of poker....annoying. Anyway, enough complaining about that...

Online cash & SNG (since blog start): +$10,600
Tournaments (since blog start): +$5,180

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