Saturday, April 7, 2007

Got to adjust some things

My wife was sitting with me chatting while I fiddled with my blog tonight (she can watch what I'm doing since my display is a 110" projector screen in my basement, pretty sweet! Can't beat it for poker...). She watched what I was doing for a while and read a little bit and said "You are such...a nerd" and left. She spends an hour a day minimum on Winnipeg Mom's message boards and Facebook, and I'M THE NERD in the relationship...

Anyway, figure there is a few things I need to work on in my game. First off, it's come time to lower my hands played % and pre-flop raise cold-calling %. Both are too high to compete at my best abilities against strong players. Playing super loose-aggressive works against a weak passive field, but not against a bunch of decent players.

Anyway, here are some hands from my session, all 5/10 on PP:

quads, ship it...
sweet turn, probably happy no club on river...
i play this hand so bad, i could have busted this calling station, instead i turn into the calling
station and win a bigger pot than i deserve...
meh, i know he's fastplaying me, i should definitely fold river, only action i get from big pair
tonight is losing action. a lot of people lose their stack on this hand, i didn't do that, but that's not justification for not folding, i have to trust my reads better...
this guy had my damn number all night, UNTIL THIS ONE! :) Finally I get a cooler in my
favour...btw, I'm folding river if I don't catch my flush, no way he makes that turn play with
anything but QJ or J7 minimum...
this guy is such a clown and i kept doubling up his short stack, i never win 50/50 all-in preflops
in cash games...
i should fold this river, not much coming easy tonight...
so, i'm having a frustrating night, then bam, good ol' MiltosJJ jumps on one table, he is one of the biggest fish still playing on PP, i miss guys like this...these hands are all within a few minutes (I sure didn't put him on the hand he had...haha...)

After MiltosJJ leaves,
RaiseandPray: that guy is such a fish...i love him
superlad: lol
superlad: he had AA there you know
RaiseAndPray: really? haha...well, he's still a super fish :)
superlad: no doubt

After these MiltosJJ donations, I was up for the first time since the first 30 minutes of play and decided to call it a night and book a small win (I had been down at least $2k at one point). I had some tough situations tonight and can't really say I rose to the challenge, made some pretty stinky river calls. I should be happy I booked a positive number tonight...

I think I learnt a few more things I need to do tonight:
1. I have to learn to spot good players fastplaying me better because it's SO expensive when you don't catch on soon enough.
2. I should never play more than 4 tables at once, I simply play worse on average for sure. Maybe 5 is okay if there are a few full ring games, but tonight i played 6 (even 7 for a short while) and that was retarded playing NL against strong players.
3. My game selection needs to improve. If there are only strong players everywhere, I should just accept it and play less tables, spend more time searching for fish, or just not play.

I did lower my hands played % down to 26% which isn't too bad for short-handed (most tables were 5-6 players). Maybe a little lower wouldn't be bad, but this is a start...i probably still called too many raises though.

So, blah, blah, blah, made $400 tonight. Oh yah, and I jumped into a quick 4/8 game on Mansion this afternoon for some reason to kill 10 minutes and made $125, so $525 to the good guys today.

I'm just gonna start rounding the $$$ numbers to the nearest 10...

Online cash & SNG (since blog start): +$7,350

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