Monday, April 9, 2007

Going to fold more

I decided I'm going to fold post-flop a little more. It's a leak and an amateurish mistake, I'm thinking people are bluffing me too much. Don't get me wrong, I can fold a hand, a big hand, but to improve I think I need to fold a little more often and perhaps pay off less value bets in the process. I think my river play is weak, and that is so damn important. So, anyway, with that said...

I played a mini-session today for about 30 minutes. Played 27% of hands, and made two pretty big (as in, conservative) laydowns. Might have been winning, I don't know, but would have fucking kicked myself if I was wrong. Only going to call big river bets when I have a very strong feeling (or pretty much know) it's a bluff, I think I'm right about 80% of the time when I get that feeling (the one when you check and are already thinking "I'll call any bet here and I don't care how weak I am, go ahead and do it!"). I'm going to try not to make plays that I feel like I'll regret if wrong.

Anyway, I came out $1700 ahead on PP 5/10, and $100 down on Betfair 5/10 and one 10/20 (got my AA butchered by some fool all-in with a 9, turned trips). So, $1600 to the good.

Penguin game is in 2 days again, looking forward to it but a little nervous. I'm not sure I've ever wanted to win in any individual session as much as this Tuesday. Want to get back on track in that game. It's too expensive not to. The more I look back on it, the more horribly I know I played last Tuesday, just plain bad. I'm not going to do that again, ever.

Online cash & SNG (since blog start): +$8,950

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