Sunday, October 14, 2007

Moved Blog to Cardrunners

I decided to move my blog to Cardrunners for many reasons. I'd like to become more active in the Cardrunner community as I've realized it is a valuable learning tool. I also enjoy looking through the other Cardrunner blogs and the new CR site has an awesome interface and publishing the blog is much easier than here on Blogspot. They also have a cool hand replayer tool which I haven't really checked out yet, but plan on utilizing.

Anyway, from now on all blog updates have a new home here.

Thanks for checking in once in a while!

Friday, October 12, 2007



I nailed an Aussie Million Package in the FT tourney. 41 players, 2 packages. I tracked the tourney (as well as other tourneys) in this thread on the PCH forum the whole way. There are tons of hands posted, especially at the final table. I was barely surviving the whole tourney until 5 handed.

I'm so pumped. My stomach is still in knots. My wife and I cheered like a couple children during the final table. I think I probably let out a couple squeal-type cheers. But who cares, I'M GOING TO THE AUSSIE MILLION! It starts January 14th, so I have some planning to do!

I had a feeling I was going to do something tonight (as you could tell by my ealier post)! I guess I've predicted that before with no results, but this time, ship it! This doesn't really help my bankroll since I'll probably spend all the $3k spending money on plane tickets to Los Angeles, food, and other stuff in Melbourne, but I'll take it!!!!

See that message board thread above for any other comments and stuff. Thanks to everyone who cheered me on and have sent congratulations.

Australia baby, YAH!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tonight I will win

Still bleh. Down almost another $2k in my 100k hand thing. Not sure how many hands I'm at, but not more than a few thousand. Spent a few hundred on tourneys too, didn't make anything except a $1k Aussie Million Qualifier seat which runs in an hour. The Aussie Million package on Tilt looks super awesome, so that would be great to win. I might try for it a little more even if tonight doesn't work out.

I made $250 from Angst on a 33% horsie from a final table he made. I know what you're thinking, NO WAY, right? No, no, I'm serious. Way to go Angst!

I decided to push my real estate licensing exam back to Nov. 5th to give myself a little breathing room and I'm not ready yet. There are a few things coming up this weekend I want to enjoy and not be worrying about the exam. One is Owen's 2nd birthday party on Sunday and the other is a big Halo 8 player system link (with 2 projectors setup) ass-kicking-fest in my basement. For anyone who doesn't like/play Halo or any video games, I know everyone involved sound like complete nerd spazzes. But, if you like Halo, sounds awesome, right?!?

So tonight I've just sat down to a couple tournaments and have a few more planned, including the $1k Aussie Million Qualifier. I've actually had a decent start in a Tilt $150 double stack tourney, was at 2nd in chips with 390 more players a few minutes ago. Though I'm in for 4 buy-ins in the Stars $109 rebuy losing every coinflip so far. I'm also going to fire up some Mansion cash game and give it another try. I noticed quite a bit more traffic there lately since the launch of their new software and promotions.

I want to book a win tonight. I don't care if it's in cash game, a nice tourney score, an Aussie Million seat, or whatever. I want something that doesn't suck to go in the records. This has been an ugly 2 month dry spell and I want it to end tonight.

I will update again later if I get a chance...

Monday, October 8, 2007

Start of 100k hand challenge

Like I've mentioned before, I've decided to focus my next 100k hands on $5/$10 NL across multiple sites. I've done this more to establish a starting over point since the past almost two months has been pretty "meh".

Unfortunately, this challenge has started out a little slow too, though today I'm rebounding a bit. For example, this hand just happened a few minutes ago. I'm also 2nd in chips with 13 left as I write this in the FT 2am Hundo tourney ($109, started with 172 players).

I hope I place well in this tourney because I can't catch a break in it every night I play. Twice since the last update I've flopped top set with KK and lost to draws. And this doesn't help either. I'm probably about 1/10 all-in with AK (until tonight I guess, just won a nice one with it) which is a go-hand usually in a turbo.

Anyway, my 100k challenge is $4300 down so far, but I've taken a number of ugly beats for all-in pots. I've also made some very bad river calls. I'm thinking of my opponent's range and convincing myself they always have one of the hands I'm beating. Not good. I'm really trying to focus on big turn/river bets and thinking "Am I really winning?" and not making frustrated calls because "they couldn't have got there again!".

But tonight I'm up $1500 (which I didn't count in total losses above) on the one cash table I have open and in the middle of the crapshoot of a final table in the FT Hundo (6th in chips, 8 left, I need a couple hands soon cuz I can double up into 2nd!).

And geezus, of course, my Ace down to bullshit flat tire (J4) trying to steal my BB. I'd be a healthy 3rd in chips with 6 left if I hold on the river. So annoying. I collect $645, which looks like crap compared to $4700 for 1st. Bah.

Had the family over for Thanksgiving today. Actually had a pretty relaxing day as my wife took care of everything and we had a rockin' dinner. My 2 year old son and 3 year old nephew are hilarious together, total evening's entertainment.

Feelin' okay about poker. Things still are not going that great, but I'm feeling level-headed about the beats I've been taking and realistic about the bad plays. I think things will turn around soon. Even though I won't have much chance to play before my real estate exam on the 15th, maybe I can pull the 100k challenge back into the positives before next update.

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a good one.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Real Estate & Monopoly & United Airline bastards

There are 3 assignments per phase (total of 3 phases) in the real estate licensing course. I just wrapped up assignment 1 yesterday, then also did ALL of assignment 2 & 3. Ship it. Now all I gotta do is read a bunch before my Oct 15th exam. Breeze....

On a related note (Monopoly is related to real estate right?!?), I'm addicted to McDonald's Monopoly. In fact, I think I'll need to have all my family meals at McDonald's until mid-November when the promotion ends. Please send me all your online Monopoly codes, I need more, MORE! I hope the MAF (Monopoly Addictions Foundation) doesn't raid McDonalds because there is obviously some hardcore and unhealthy gambling going on there. They can call it Project Kaleidoscope, oh wait, that one is taken. Too bad, thought it sounded cool. Ronald and Hamburglar got what's comin' to them...

I booked my Oct 19th flight to Cleveland yesterday. Can't wait to pick up the Infiniti G35 I bought! I saved the flight itinerary on Expedia a week ago, went back yesterday, and the flight went up $150. I can spend $100s on poker tournaments and such, and not bat an eye when I get knocked out, but having to spend an extra $150 on something like this (which WAS cheaper only a week ago) drives me insane. Why is that? Anyway, I booked a different flight that gets into Cleveland 5 hours later and pushes my deadline to getting to Canterbury tighter, but whatever, United Airlines bastards aren't springin' me for another $150, I could lose that playing roll 'em or something else more constructive.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rather Uninteresting

Sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I just haven't had much of anything very exciting to report about poker.

I haven't played much in the past week, and when I have it's been very sporatic. A bunch of random tourneys, including some WCOOP events. I don't even feel like talking about tourneys because they just put me on tilt. I know I can improve a lot, but I've honestly just been running horrible in the pivotal pots in the middle/late stages of any decent sized buy-in tourney. All my premium top 5 hands are getting torn to shreds.

I qualified in a $320 satellite for a $2600 WCOOP seat on Stars. It was fun to play, but I was super card dead. I actually think I survived as long as I could have, though I hated going out with my AK being dominated by KK, but I was honestly getting a little shortstacked. Earlier in the tournament, which made the biggest pot I won, I made a pretty huge call with Q high here:

I've gotten into playing a few shots of the nightly 2am $109 turbo MTT on Tilt. It's fun and relatively brainless and the calibre of play is horrendous. The fields are always between 150-200 players. I have made a couple small cashes and one 3rd place finish for about $2400.

Cash game has just been totally blah. I just am getting cracked for medium-sized pots all over the place and not really getting much action on my hands at all. When I get back to playing a little more often I might try out a new site on the Prima or Ongame network, or just anywhere for a change. I really find the games at $5/$10+ on Party and Tilt are drying up, or maybe I'm just not putting the effort in and/or running bad.

Overall, since the last update, even though my records are full of negatives, I'm only down a few more K. So, no big disaster, but I really got to get things rolling again.

I'm sticking to my 100k hands at $5/$10, but just haven't been playing much. I am in complete cram mode now for my real estate licensing course and will be finished Oct 15th. Realistically, I won't play much at all before then.

I can't wait for Canterbury. Give me a shout if you're going. I'll be there Oct 20-25th.

I'll leave you with this beauty from my last cash session:

And this one of equal loveliness in yesterday's Tilt $109 turbo:

Yah, I know, wah wah. But, someone throw me a bone...


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Time to re-evaluate things

On Sunday I played a bunch of tourneys. Got deep in a few, got unlucky eventually, and didn't cash big, standard donkaments. Spent about $1100, but I managed to qualify for a $2600 WCOOP main event seat on PS throughout the day. I'll probably get the W$ and play some smaller events and play the main one if I cash decent in any of them (yah, right...not the way my tourneys are going!).

Okay, so I won't beat around the bush. Earlier this week, I had a disasterous event occur (pokerwise). I started playing really late one night, when I was already tired. I started out shortstacking $25/$50 on Party. After getting AA cracked a couple times and getting really unlucky a few others, I ended up buying in for the full $5k on at least 3 tables. I was tired, frustrated, tilty, and getting terrible luck. What a bad combination. I had a horrible night dropping a huge chunk. Then, the next afternoon, I jumped back onto the tables feeling crappy about poker and tried to make it all back in 30 minutes (well, I wasn't actually trying to do that but my play probably looked like I was). Things went bad again and I lost a bunch more.

To make a long story short, I lost the majority of what I'd made on my nice little $25/$50 upswing. And it all happened in under 12 hours and only 700 hands. I totally don't want to show the graph of this session by itself because I'll puke if I look at it again, so I'll show the graph starting from when I changed my Party screenname to Grooooooving and took my shot at $25/$50. Here it is, I'll call it....The Hump.

So, the only reason I'm quite calm right now is because I decided to take a few days before I wrote anything about this. I thought about it, a lot, and let it set in, and allowed myself to look at it rationally. Obviously, the couple days after this disaster I hated poker and was panicking, like I always do when things run bad. Now, after a few days, I just feel stupid.

I'm not ready for $25/$50. Even if, on the off-chance that my game is ready (which it probably isn't), my bankroll sure in hell isn't. Too many damn bills! Sure, I was really unlucky earlier this week, and I could post bad beat after bad beat, but what's the point? I was LUCKY to get where I was with such a small roll on Party, now I got unlucky to lose it. Whatever. It was stupid to be playing in the first place. It was possible I would keep up my heater, have won that 20k pot awhile ago, and never looked back. But, the odds of that are pretty slim probably. It was stupid. I knew it all along, but now the lesson has sunk in.

So, back to the drawing board. And like the title says, time to re-evaluate. This is the plan: $5/$10 NL for at least 100k hands. AT LEAST. I will do $10/$20 NL only when there are HUGE fish/maniacs playing. And only while they last at the table. No exceptions. I won't even look at a $25/$50 lobby. I have absolutely no idea how long 100k hands will take. Somewhere in the past year I've started gradually losing my patience and I don't know why. $5/$10 used to be a HUGE game to me, and now it's the smallest thing I play online, I should be happy with that transition. I realized tonight $5/$10 is a game I can play more-or-less very comfortably. I can play my game fully, and not lose my mind or be depressed about big losses hardly ever. But, I can still regularly make an amount I'm very satisfied with.

I have 3 weeks to finish the real estate licensing course assignments which you have 3 months to complete. Yah, procrastinating is very natural to me. Then, I want to write the exam by Oct 17th. This will very likely cut into some poker time (which it should at this point!).

Anyway, that's that. I had a horrible, mind-numbing, experience losing all that Party money I so excited to quickly make. But, there is nothing I can do now. All I can do is learn from it and take this reality-check as a positive. I don't think I'll make a mistake of that stature for a LONG time. I will also never play when I'm extremely tired. You'd think this would be easy but sometimes I get the itch to make a little score before bed and it more often than not goes bad. In fact, I will never play for a quick score anymore. Just because I have a small amount of time to play doesn't mean I have to try and force a few double-ups.

Today was my first poker since earlier this week. I played the $320 heads-up WCOOP event on Stars. Lost my first match of course. This guy runner-runnered me twice in big pots, then I lose this ugliness to get knocked out when I should have gotten the chip lead back. I also lost two $335 SNGs on Stars while I was at it. Standard coinflip losses. Waste of a couple hours in the afternoon.

Tonight I played some $5/$10 on Party. I was hanging out with my buddy "Cracker" John who likes to watch me play online occasionally. So, I fired up a few tables. I really enjoy playing while he watches because he's interested and asks questions which allows me to really talk myself through hands and immediately analyze them. Plus, he obviously cheers for me which is fun and sympathizes with the tough hands. And, I tend to play better (i.e. tigher!) with people watching because it's more embarrassing to make bad plays. So anyway, thanks Cracker, good times.

Here are some hands from this session (I think there are some interesting ones and some decent analysis): - one of my criteria for making a big call is when the play just doesn't make sense to me for that player, something is off. I thought MAYBE he could have 77, but not this time., - these are the first two hands i play at this table and just work this guy. I could have looked like a super-genius or a complete donkey on both of these, but I didn't! Big bluff, then big call. Both bang on reads, feels good. Granted, in the 2nd hand he did have a good hand that was actually a favourite on the flop. - i could smell QJ on him and played it accordingly, though it doesn't really matter, as long as I fastplay this hand he gets stacked everytime. Ship it. - another sweet little set as he's drawin' dead. I just call turn because i want to keep the Blackcode guy in. - this is probably a pretty marginal hand which will get me in trouble once in awhile totally offsetting the profit I can make on it, but this time, it's all profit! :) - I'm gettin' lucky! I should probably just fold preflop against a shortstack, but it's Greek Style baby! - meh, i don't mind this one. shortstack played it well. - ah shit. this is such bad timing too because I had JUST been caught in a small bluff after raising the previous hand (and I had been raising quite a bit the past couple rotations), so it was prefect timing for KK. I should be careful about overvaluing hands based on what I think my own image is. But this one is tough either way...decent sized pot too. - woops, i really think he's drawing so I pound the turn. He actually turned the crap out of me, and I then proceed to river him even worse! Nice. - i really like how I play this hand. When he bets out on the flop into the preflop raiser, I have him squarely on a draw (I'd bet my whole stack on it, which I do!). I have him primarily on clubs when he keeps up the aggression on the turn. I had hardly any doubt in my mind. Some of you might wonder why I didn't raise the flop or turn then. But, I thought two things: he was on clubs so if they come I can fold, and if he misses his clubs I'm pretty sure he'll bluff the rest of his stack on the river. So, if these two things are true, I should just call the turn. Then, if I club falls on the river I can fold (quite easily actually), and if a brick falls I can check/call the river (which I instacalled). So, I have minimal risk because I can get away from him hitting his hand, yet I still get full value if he misses. I mistakenly label players who check/call me down with weak hands as calling stations, but this hand proves how wrong that can be sometimes because there can be a lot of strategy behind the play.

Summary: I was happy with this session and it was a good start to my $5/$10 NL trek to 100k hands. Here is the graph of this session. I think I did a good job of folding losing hands (even if they appeared strong) early in the betting. This meant I didn't have a lot of tough river decisions that I wasn't sure about. When I called guys down I felt good about it. Part of this was trusting the data I have on players. I didn't start tonight, but from now on, I will start writing more notes on players. It only takes a second and you never know when a specific situation will repeat itself again, so I should start doing it way more.

So, even though this has been one of the worse updates financially on my blog, my frame of mind is okay. I stupidly lost money I was probably lucky to win anyway since I was playing $25/$50 so passively and incorrectly anyway. Plus, the regulars were catching onto my passive play which is really easy to dominate. I was getting bluffed less and less, and getting paid off on my big hands less and less. I'm ready for this 100k hand $5/$10 challenge, and I'm feeling optimistic. A firm plan like this is way overdue.

I'll be playing some more WCOOP events on Stars in the weeks to come. If I could ever win a tournament hand with TT, JJ, QQ, or AK ever again I think I'll do okay. Wish me luck! I'm still itchin' for a really nice tournament score. It'll come one day.

Oh, and I played the best round of golf I have in a couple years. It was at St. Boniface with pretty ugly playing conditions actually (little windy and drizzling). But I think I hit at least 15 out of 18 greens in regulation. The problem is my putting was absolutely horrible and I three-putted at least 4 times (and not from very far away) and hardly made anything else. Still shot a 76 with terrible terrible putting. My driver was better than it's been in a long time. So, that was fun.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lost biggest pot of my life, but still rollin'

Since the last update things have been going pretty smooth, with one big exception mentioned in the subject (see Session 2). Here are the sessions:

Session 1 (graph) - I get really lucky here. The explanation is simple, I REALLY felt he was on a draw, specifically KQ. If I was right I was a huge favourite, and if I was wrong, I figured I had some outs for sure. Anyway, I was wrong, but I did have the few outs I was hoping for (8 as it turns out). What a gross river. I made a read and trusted it here, so I won't sweat over it too much and will just be happy I got lucky. :) - big pot! I play this hand to induce a bluff, so my plan is to check-call the whole way. He's got total air! I'm making so much money from guys bluffing at $25/$50, they can't help themselves. I'm going to get off this table too. There are a couple really solid players that cover me, and I just don't feel like playing for $11k on a table right now.

Considering I was partially drunk during this session I should be very happy with a winning session and the nice comeback. I think I played fine even though I started poorly, but I lost a lot of ugly medium-sized pots early. Or maybe I was drunk and playing like a moron, I dunno, but I was being pretty careful about not playing stupid drunk poker. Anyway, I hardly ever drink so this is rarely an issue (and it's fun to play while a little buzzed!). I guess I really should play a smaller game at those times though.

Anyway, I'll take the win.

Session 2 (graph) - gross running cooler... - nice start to this table, hold against a flush draw, too bad I didn't buy in for full because I probably double up here. - Ace high bluff call. - I'm planning on calling river if he bets (probably!), so he's wise to give up and check. I've got a good read on bluffs tonight (I swear I'm folding sometimes too!). I'll have to be careful of aggressive plays against me on the $10/$20 tables because I probably look like a calling station at the moment, don't think I'll get bluffed much anymore. - whew! cooler avoided! I actually make the completely wrong chicken-fold against this super aggressive opponent, but I would have gotten ridiculously outflopped. - I knew I should be betting turn here. See? Guys are starting to get reluctant to bluff me after those few hands and from previous sessions. - no-brainer shortstack cooler - get caught bluffing trying to represent AK on river. I should have just given up, I had a bad feeling on that river bet (or bet the turn instead where he's much more likely to fold). - I think he might have nothing on flop raise, so i play to induce bluff. I would have probably raised the turn if he bet, but he checked. I go along with the charade and get paid for a nice bet on the river. If I raise back on the flop, I don't think he's calling, so I don't mind how this went. - next hand baby! fuck yah! Against the same guy! I hate the turn and river, but it doesn't matter because as it turns out he's drawing dead. Ship it! - I get paid off by the same guy that called me on my A8 bluff earlier. - yes! send it AGAIN against enyoj. I'm owning this guy even though he's a regular and a winning player. I'll check later how much I'm up on him, but it's lots. - wow, enyoj is getting frustrated against me. He obviously tries to pull a 3-bet bluff on the flop here. I actually misplay this because I assume with that big raise we're getting it all-in here. But, if you think about it, I have no reason to raise. If he has touch/draw/overpair/anything we're getting it in on ANY turn card. And if he's bluffing, he might continue on the turn (or catch a shitty touch on the turn). But whatever, I'll take it. - Oh my God. $20k pot, what a sick cooler. I lose my stack no matter how this hand is played out because he'll call a flop raise for sure with his double gutter. Gah, so gross. I was having an amazing session and was on my last rotation before cashing out my big stacks. Fuck, that sucks. I have "autopost" clicked off on my $25/$50 tables with big stacks. I don't know if I could fold on the turn against this guy. He could definitely have an inferior hand like a set of 7s or 8s, traheho isn't scared to get his chips in that's for sure.

After that super huge $20k pot cooler I'm quitting for the night. Geezus, I wish that board had paired on the river. Ugh. I was having such a great session that I'm still up, but just under a measily $1k which is pretty much even at these stakes. I was so stoked the entire session to be having such a great run and of course, this happens. And it was the only match-up on the entire 5 tables I could lose even close to this much on one hand. Wow, that pot will stick in my head for a little while, I would have thrown a freakin' party if the board paired on the river. I guess it's good news to lose the biggest pot of my life and be up for the 3 hour session. But, damn.

Oh, and I just checked, I'm up over $13k on enyoj mostly in the past 5 days, and $9.5k on queenkris (even though he's won 126 pots to my 86 pots against each other). Probably more good luck than management, though enyoj really seems to like paying me off.

Session 3 (graph, doesn't include Betfair)

Made a quick and easy $2600 on Betfair 10/20 to start the session off (not on graph because doesn't import into PT properly). Then switched to Party again and went on a nice little heater to start off and made $9k in about 300 hands. - lol, donation to the charity of me. I would have puked if a 5 rivered. This was the only big hand.

Then I jumped into a $109 tourney and got screwed when I flopped two pair out of the big blind and a guy who slowplayed QQ pre-flop turned a Q after we got all-in on flop. But in another $109 turbo tourney I placed 6th (out of about 170 players) after my A8 lost to Q2 allin preflop. Cashed over $900, but had to give stupid "I suck at Hold'Em" Quentin 30% because we 70/30 chopped it. Then he beat me in 4 straight games in NHL 08 which is embarrassing beyond belief (well no, I guess Angst losing 0-1 to my wife who hasn't played any video games in over 10 years was worse).

Anyway, then I jumped back into Party and lost some of my winnings to finish up about $4500 on Party for the session. I have to show one hand which is stupid beyond belief (on my part): - lol, looking at this hand with no explanation is mind-baffling. So, if you didn't assume it, my 3-bet min-raise pre-flop is obviously a misclick. Then the cocksucker doubles my bet (obviously with AA), and I make the stupidest pre-flop call ever for another $360 to try and screw him. And look what I flop? A stupid heart draw. Then I jam all-in into him because I'm retarded, and I turn a 3 to boot, but still miss the 14 or so outs I have on the river. Man, talk about gross if I had of hit my hand (or running trips or 2 pair even better, lol). Oh well, I suck. Stupid misclick.


So, all-in-all, running pretty good. That $20k pot really hurt, but still scraped together a little over $10k since last update.

I found a new fish on Party, SLAVIK223. Hopefully he sticks around for awhile. He's basically a calling station who plays almost 50% of his hands and makes awfully timed overbet bluffs occasionally.

I spilt a bunch of milk on my older laptop and it's screwed. Gonna get it cleaned and see if Future Shop will fix it on extended warranty. What a mess.

We're trying to plan a group to go play $5/$10 NL at Regent on Tuesday (starting around 3pm). If you're interested let me know if you're coming out. There is a $224 freeze-out tourney at 6:30pm that night also. Should be some good times!

I'm out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The title says it all tonight! I'm actually not really sure how much I was up tonight. I didn't check at all during the session. I dropped a bit at the end, but I think it's still pretty kickass. Going to check now........$12k!!! Yah! I think I was as high as $15k or more, but I'll freakin' take it!

Here is the graph. Only 700 hands. Not a bad winrate tonight!

Straight to the action: - semi-cooler (for shortstacks anyway) to get things started. Not sure I can logically let this go. Down about $1.5k right off the bat AGAIN. - nice turn, I probably fold to a flop bet, but I guess no one had an A (since they'd probably call on turn). - gah, i thought he was going to flip over something ugly like TJ here, but for once my worst expectations don't come through and he's just taking a wild river stab at the board he's been counterfeited on. - ship it! - I play this pretty passive, but I don't think I could win much more (unless, of course, I could have gotten all-in preflop). - ew, huge suckout. I play this hand horribly and finally I screw someone. Feels good, real good. - I like how I play this one, induce a decent bluff. - Another good pickup from a bluff. Tonight, when I'm trying to entice a bluff, guys are NOT catching weird runner crap on me. Seems easy when you run good. Almost forgot the feeling there for awhile. - And i almost freakin' folded. He makes such a horrible river overbet with his straight. - I play AA a little conservative again, but I don't think I sacrifice much here. I actually thought he was drawing and was going to checkraise the turn. - I've been floating this guy on the flop after he raises a ton. He raises a lot preflop, continuation bets all flops, then gives up if he's missed the board. So I get to see a lot of turns and get the chance to take it on the turn if he checks. I know he'll checkraise me eventually so I'm watching for it... - hitting draws and getting paid off! - things are working out. - I think I gotta let this one go, so I do. He's not bluffing this time. - I get caught in a little bluff here. I almost bet $1000-$1200 on the turn then got a bad feeling. Look, I almost go running clubs. I'm running good tonight, but not THAT good! - I let him have it cheap. Terrible turn card. He could have had just clubs, but screw it. - shoot, first time really unlucky tonight. I almost checked river. - I'm trying to get a little too tricky, though I felt pretty good about the river call. But, checking the flop is just setting up something like this. - yah! I nail it a sweet setup here with him drawing dead. - I have to stop getting involved in raised pots with shitty aces. - yah baby! A set holds against a flush draw. That's how I like it! - oh no, one of these gross hands again. at least it's on the $10/$20 table tonight and for smallish pots. - ah shit. i wonder if the heater is over for the night. QQ down to AT for $2k. At least the bad luck is against a shortstack again. - chickened out on this one, almost bet $500 on turn which would have probably done the trick.

Man, this session felt great! It's been a little while since I've run this well. I've started catching a couple bad breaks in the last few rotations and things are levelling out, so I think I'm just gonna call it a night and quit happy. Plus, it's my wife's birthday tomorrow anyway, so I should get some sleep.

I stuck to my strategy tonight and shortstacked for between $1.5k to $3k on all the $25/$50 tables. The moment I got to $3.5k+ or so, and it seemed the table had a lot of good, aggressive players, I'd leave and find better spots. I also tore up the $10/$20 tables which was nice.

All in all, this has felt great and I think I can say my downswing is officially over. I came really close to busting my Party account a couple times (though I did a number of withdrawals in the past couple months), and I feel very fortunate for it to be where it is now. I'm going to stay very cautious with my $25/$50 play.

Thank you poker Gods! G'night.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why Do I Write This Blog?

It's been a little bit of a rollercoaster the past few days. The main reason is probably because I'm playing with a pretty short bankroll on Party. I've been playing more and more $25/$50 NL (mostly on Party) because the games just seem pretty good lately and I enjoy shortstacking them (or for full when there is a super fish). I decided I'm just going to take what I have on Party and go for it. I know I've been running bad, but I'm trying to keep it all in perspective. My confidence can't go in the tank every single time I run really bad. I feel like taking a shot right now, so I'm going to take a shot.

I'm going to start structuring the blog a little different, or more accurately, a little more organized. I don't have time to update after every session, so a few sessions often get grouped together. I also write most of the documentation for each session DURING the session or immediately after. So, I will write about whatever I feel like at the start, then have headings for each session (meaning #1 is the first session since my last update and so on). I will pretty much just cut & paste what I have already written into each of these sections.

Also, I always enjoy when someone mentions to me they've checked out my blog. There have been many people tell me they enjoy it that I never expected would take an interest. It's nice getting a little bit of feedback, whether positive/negative/indifferent, other than watching a stupid counter slowly go up everyday. So, point being, if you regularly come back here, take a minute and tell me by posting a comment (available at the bottom of each entry). I'm just genuinely curiuos of who has taken an interest. I've also started a thread on the PCH message board where you can post any questions/comments/whatever.

I've been asked a few times "Why do you write your blog?". I know a couple times the person asking is merely suspicious that the reason is simply for me to brag and talk about myself (though I guess talking about yourself is the point of a personal blog). So, yah, it's fun to have a big win then be able to talk about it and hopefully reach a few interested ears (and even better, maybe some people who are cheering along). Thing is, and you'll know this if you've been reading anything I've written in the past couple weeks, I'm not getting many opportunities to brag...period. It's been rough and I actually have to suck up my pride every single freakin' time things go south.

Here are a few other reasons:
* nice to vent sometimes
* forces me to keep precise records of earnings and hand histories. I really pick up some tendencies in my game by reviewing closely all my crucial hands. Sometimes even WHILE I'm writing my blog entry I realize I was playing much more horribly than I suspected, and it's something I can more alertly watch for in the future.
* sometimes it's a pain in the ass, but usually it's fun and I enjoy practicing my writing (though this isn't exactly Shakespeare or anything an English teacher would approve of!)
* but I think the most influential reason for me is this: poker, ESPECIALLY online poker, is a very, very, very lonely venture sometimes. It's just me, my big-ass projector screen which takes up the majority of my vision, and my extremely durable mouse which accepts the fact it will take regular beatings. It's an extremely emotional and stressful job, but it just builds and builds inside. My wife is here for me always, and is very supportive of my poker in general (she really is great about it), but it's really hard for a non-poker player to relate and fully understand (though by now, she knows more about the true poker lifestyle than many poker players I know). Luckily I also have many poker friends to discuss things with, but I understand people can only hear so many bad beats and sob stories. And on the flip side, when I'm running well I feel some friends don't really need to hear all about it, especially if they're running harsh. So, that leaves me with this blog: I can write/complain/brag/anything and if people want to know about it, they can. If they are bored or uninterested, they can stop reading and that's that. With a group of people following the progress, I simply don't feel as alone in the poker world. This is probably a big incentive for the PCH message board as well. Plus, if anything I write helps a fellow poker player, that's all good too (plus you guys are rarely my competition and when you are I'm mostly playing for fun anyway!).

Finally, I also know there will be the occasional person, possibly even family, who will come across here and not approve at all. If someone thinks what I do, after 4+ years, is some sort of gambling degeneracy, and what I write here doesn't change it, I don't think anything I say will change their mind. If they disapprove morally, I won't try to defend it. I understand. I'm fully conscious of the fact I only TAKE through my poker. My gain is ALWAYS another's loss, and sometimes the other person probably can't afford it (I'm not nieve enough to think otherwise). The only thing that is important in this profession is my bottom line. Money. That's it. I don't feel guilt, it's all fair-and-square and I've worked harder at this than anything in my life. It took awhile for this reality to dawn on me. I think the initial thrill of poker had to wear down a bit before I started seeing past the immediate results and consequences. I want to, one day, help people. Don't get me wrong, I definitely want to keep making coin (and hopefully good coin!), but I want my business endeavours to have more positive benefits than financial. Hopefully real estate will be a small step towards that and is a big motivation for me.

Alrighty, that's enough babble. Here are the sessions. Remember, most stuff written below was written the day of the session.

Session 1 (graph)

Another huge disaster...down about $7k. Not sure why the graph shows down $8.3k. I guess sometimes some of the error hands that don't import into Poker Tracker properly are bigger pots that effect the results. So, this time, I assume just one decent pot I won was not included. - Good or bad news? Bad - I lose the pot after thinking I'm definitely winning, Good - I save a few hundred by him disconnecting, Bad - I would have won the whole pot on a "no disconnect" table. - I don't know what to say anymore. How many times is stuff like this going to happen? How far ahead do I need to be? These mind-blowing beats are what I've come to expect, I can NEVER relax in a hand anymore. - this hand is pretty standard lately. Geezus, when it rains it fucking pours. - I keep getting the money in while I'm ahead and it just doesn't matter anymore. - I let everyone and their mother in preflop on this one, but get away with a nice pot. It's funny I gotta play this so risky before I actually win with KK. I should just become a calling station. - I decide to give up early on this bluff, think that was a good idea here. - I made a small comeback with KK, and it all goes away and more with KK again. This is pretty much what always happens now when I 3-bet really big pre-flop. I don't see how I can fold this on the flop, I'm beating so much and crushing a bunch of hands too. This was a huge pot. I just can't imagine poker going anymore horribly than this.

Things didn't get any better but I'm tired of posting these hands. I'm sure they're getting tiresome to read because there isn't even a lot of analysis, it's just no-brainer hands that I'm losing over and over. Down $7k today, this is the biggest hit after a long dry spell. This might be the harshest period of my entire poker career. Actually, it definitely is. I wonder how much is bad play and how much purely bad luck, I really am not sure anymore.

Session 2 - 4

Mix of a bunch of SNGs, and 5/10 and 10/20 on Betfair and Party. Down almost $2k total.

Session 5 (graph)

Hey, a WINNING SESSION! WOOOOOOOO! Made $7k, getting back the first session. I didn't save as many hands as I was actually busy with many tables and actually winning some hands. I started this session down pretty good again and made a nice comeback on $25/$50. - here, even though I'm not having a great session again, I finally sucked out on someone myself. This hand is actually pretty standard against a half-stack, but still, I hit ugly runner trips. Hope this starts a trend. - finally a big pot with AA. If I had of gotten one outted here (and missed my redraw), I think I would have had to quit poker forever. - Hey, I even won a short stack all-in preflop with AK. Didn't really think there was anyway I was winning on this board, so nice surprise to see him flip over KJ. - Aw. I'm happy when I see him call the river. I probably could have gotten stacked this hand...

Session 6 (graph)

Rollercoaster session tonight on $25/$50! - nice little pickup, good sign that i had a set hold up against what was probably a straight draw. - I slowplay AA pre-flop and hold up against against a flush draw. So, this is what it's like when your opponent misses a draw! It's sort of fun, two in a row. - Just when I start seeing the light, back to the ugliness, this is so sick...I can't beat poker like this. - he prices me in to seeing a flop even with my shortstack and I nail it. - i think i play this just right. any other way and I don't make nearly as much. this was a strong opponent, and i knew he'd fold to my 3-bet preflop (which he would have with KQ) because I just haven't been 3-betting much at all on this table. More often than usual, I feel the need to slowplay my big pairs with a shortstack. I don't know if it's flawed thinking, but it's been working. Probably being influenced by the fact that i lose everytime i 3-bet a big hand pre-flop. - boo, i get unlucky to chop, i had him by the balls on this one. - I can't tell you how badly I wanted to call this. This guy is quite loose and very aggressive, but I just don't see him continuing a bluff on the turn here (I have seen him give up on many bluffs). There is a chance he has AQ/AJ, but I really don't think so. I think he's hit some ugly two pair or a low set. This was a pretty big laydown given the context of this game, but the right one I think. - This guy's "blind steal" percentage on the button is almost 50%, so a 3-bet is a no-brainer here. After he pushes pre-flop I have no choice but to call (his range is so wide anyway). Turns out it's a coinflip and I see a beauty J on the flop. I needed this one. This puts me up (+$1k) for the first time tonight!

Well, like I said, I'm up for the first time tonight and I think I'll call 'er quits. I was back-and-forth between down $1k and down $4k the whole session until now, the games are not that great, so I think I'll just take the $1000 and run for the hills.

I played pretty much only $25/$50 NL tonight with a very short $10/$20 stint on one table. I feel like I'm playing very passive, however these guys are so aggressive, I feel I like this style better especially for shortstacking. My flops seen tonight was only 19% which is quite a bit lower than normal (I usually roam between 25-35%), and I'd like to keep it that way. I played really tight in early-mid position and rarely limped. If I wanted to play a suited connector or low pair I'd raise it up and wouldn't get 3-bet too often because I had table respect in early position. I could take down a lot of pots on the flop or get to see cheap turns. Plus, I found this style less stressful.


So, even though I'm down about $1k since my last update, I've turned things around a little in the past couple days. I feel I've kept my calm through most of the ugly beats that have continued to happen way more than I'm accustomed to. I'm going to continue to try and focus really hard on not tilting. I have to remember to be very selective with the $25/$50 games because there are VERY profitable games to be found sometimes, but they can very quickly change to a table full of top pros. If I had a HUGE bankroll, I'd battle it out with them because I think I could compete profitably, but that's not the case and I'm not ready.

Here is an interesting graph from PokerEV. The legend is messed up, so red line is Sklansky bucks, blue line is showdown winnings, and green line is total winnings.

I don't even really understand this software completely, but I know this is showing some pretty bad luck in September thus far. It shows me as running $12k below my mathematically expected value, which really sucks! It's probably accurate within a couple thousand. The numbers as far as total winnings goes are not accurate (I'm a bit more down than it shows), and the software is still in beta stage, and I think it mostly just factors in all-in hands and hands where you get to see a showdown. I dunno really but thought it was interesing/depressing/excuse to make me feel better about my play. If you don't know what Sklansky bucks are, well, look it up or don't worry about it.

So, careful game selection and good solid focused play is this week's installment of my random gameplan theory. Hopefully I can continue on this small upswing from the past couple days.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Tryin' my best here

I ended up feeling like playing tonight and put in a little over 1000 hands. Here is the graph. Check out the crazy dip (then rebound) around hand #888. I scraped together $400 in a turbo SNG and finished down a little under $1000 tonight. I have a ton of hands below and lots of documentation while i was playing and I'm as tired as death, so I'll let this talk for itself: - damn, that's gross. This guy runs at 55% VPIP (voluntarily put in pot) across 1500 hands. I check-call him down with full confidence that he's making a move. But wait, he goes running trips. I think he bets twice as much on the river if he misses and I scoop a nice pot. Oh well. - i like this hand. i was very confident my line here would allow me to make a good river bluff. i was quite certain I wasn't getting called on this one. - paid him off. - this is so disgusting. these guys are terrible. KT? are you kidding. i absolutely can't get anything going losing hands like this all the time. - hmm, odd hand. I get lucky that two bricks don't come because i'm calling him down in a heartbeat here. turns out i turn a chop and river the winning hand (and get a nice thin little value bet in there too). in a previous hand i saw this guy reraise Q9, then get all-in preflop with it. - I try to get tricky on flop, then I have no idea where I'm at from then on. I almost folded on the turn here. If he bets more on river I might still fold. - wow, same seat as the KK earlier. i am running so bad with KK/AA. He plays his hand so odd. Nice fucking catch on the turn, bleh. I don't regret my river push at all. I'm good here (versus hands like AK, KQ, QQ, JJ, etc.) so often, plus I'll get called by a lot of them. Would be nice to win one reraised pot with KK/AA soon. And I'm just getting blindsided by the hands beating me too., - SNG: i got busy with cash games and was accidently sitting out for these hands in a $215 SNG. LOL. woops. - SNG: wow, this is what it's like to win with KK - SNG: and AA! - SNG: win a coinflip to stay alive.

SNG: I had KQ chop with KJ heads-up to win the SNG, then ended up getting 2nd for $600. Not bad for being a dumbass and missing all those hands and blinding the majority of my stack while passing up KK and JJ. - and back to cash game. holy shit. did i kick sick kittens for fun in another life or something? what the hell? - gah, i would bet anything he was on a draw here, sigh. I knew he could have this hand, but i decided to look him up. Another gross hand.

At this point, I'm down $1700 but feel like I'm playing very strong and I'm finding a lot of fish on Party. If I can start having guys miss a draw or win with overpairs after putting 40-60% of my stack in as a huge favourite - i don't know what to say. i keep getting my chips in with huge hands and I don't expect to win at all. no matter how huge my hand is, i picture the pot going over to my opponent, then somehow, it does. i can't even fathom how many all-ins I've lost as a 70-85% favourite. - this is such a struggle. this is what happens when i hit a draw. i make a weak, frustrated call here on the river. i guess he could have been bluffing, but i didn't really think so.

I'm playing decent and even with these last 2 hands I've only lost $300 more and am $2000 down now. - i know, lets see how many times i can lose allin preflop with KK/AA. i've quite honestly never seen a run of cards this bad over this many hands.

I'm going to take a little break. I'm down $1600 right now, which feels like nothing considering all these dumb beats. - meh, darn. this is usually safe to do. note taken on this player. - yaaaaay, the nuts held up (even against the worse turn card in the deck)! - definitely the turn card I was hoping for. - meh, badly played. - entice a little bluff here. - sigh, not sure if there is any other play for me to make on this flop, i dunno.

Back to $2500 down for session. - think i get decent value out of this hand. - after his call on the flop, i pegged him squarely on QT and trusted this read. He snapcalled the turn too, making me really have to grind my teeth to jam the river. - damn, i donate a little here. couldn't let go. he caught this hand at the perfect time after tilting away some chips previously. - of course, I can't get one to go my way. big hit on the 25/50 table. this is really getting discouraging.

Now down almost $4500. Things just are not looking good. This is pretty discouraging, once again. - Yes! This was probably the first non-optimal hand I played on this table. I felt 57 so bad from him which is why I check the turn (in other words, I'm just expecting guys to hit every draw right now). I should have jammed the river all-in, I almost did then decided not to be too greedy, but if he can call the raise to $2500 he can probably call an all-in. Oh well, I'll take it. Finally one for the good guys. Gah, I really wish I'd jammed all-in for the $1200 extra.

Back to down $1700 and I have to be on the golf course in under 6 hours (sigh...). - come on! pull the trigger buddy! i would have snapcalled this, i was just waiting for the call button to pop up. - i make a marginal/dangerous flop call to the raise, but nail the turn, and get paid off for a big river bet. this is a lucky hand. - really figured him on 2 big cards, so this is an easy call with the dead money in pot. but, rivered on another coinflip.

Well, I'm tired and only have 3 hours to sleep. Finished down $1000. I don't feel too bad about that. However, I'm really really looking forward to the day I can stop being happy with small losses. What a rollercoaster. I feel alright about my play though. I hope I keep finding more of this weak play I'm seeing on Party. One day soon, I'll be able to crack a nice profit I'm thinking if it keeps up. Trust me, it's hard to be optimistic about that right now though.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Getting killed

Well, dunno what to say really, I'm getting absolutely smoked online. I can't put together a winning session for the life of me, no matter how hard I try. I feel so impatient, but I'm trying as hard as possible to play the best poker I can. Honestly, my confidence is at an all-time low. I don't know what to do. I'm so lost I have no idea if I'm being outplayed or running bad or playing bad or what. It feels like I'm running absolutely horribly, but that is what everyone thinks when they're losing.

I can tell you one thing: my sets are getting destroyed and that really hurts in Hold'Em.

Ever since I started reading the book "The Poker Mindset", I've just been getting whacked. Freakin' curse is what that is. The book itself was okay. If you have tilt issues, bankroll management issues, or if you're an idiot who says lots of stupid things at a poker table and you don't know your ass from your head, then this book is definitely for you. If you're a reasonably solid player who understands the ups and downs of poker and the dangers of tilt, then you'll just be reading stuff you know, but in long form.

Anyway, I don't feel like blabbing about all my stupid losing, so i'll just do a quick run through since my last update.

First session was on Tilt, just 5/10. I started good and then got absolutely smoked for a very short period (just insane cooler after cooler), then I had to quit. Fun. Here is the ugly-ass graph. Down $3.5k plus another $400 not on graph.

Then I followed up with a small win on Party. Here are some hands: - after the showdown I really felt like I missed some value. I can probably double up here. I had a suspicion he was bluffing the turn, so i went with that (and of course, there are a lot of hands beating me too). I kicked myself after, but I don't think I mind this play much. - love losing with sets, nice turn! love turning that set. about pairing the %!$?$$?*&$?! board for me? one time! I've had about 10 sets flopped on me tonight. This was my first. I'm not bitter at all. - couldn't really explain it, but I had a great feeling on this one. Snapcall. - geezus, so coolered again. I swear 3-betting pre-flop for me is cursed. I guarantee this hand goes identical if he has any Ax, anything but AT. Gah, I thought I was gold and getting paid off this hand. I hate stacking off with one pair. - gah, come on! THIS is the fish at the table. He has been donating to everyone with moronic plays and bad bluffs and then he hits this on me. Wow. I'm sure he'll be bust within 2 more rotations. I almost check/called this river to let him bluff, guess I should have. If you seen this guy play you wouldn't have folded on the river raise either (against a lot of other guys, it's foldable).

Then, I went on a mega 10 minute super-heater, I didn't even have time to log any hands I was hitting so much (I don't feel like looking them up now). No suckouts, just standard stuff all holding up. It felt weird being on a heater again, but it didn't last long and I got coolered a couple more times and only ended up $1.2k. Graph here.

Besides that I played a mini-session on Party, got up $1k, then had KK run into a maniac's AA and ended up down a few hundred. I also lost another $1,650 in heads-up SNGs, and $555 in a 9-player SNG (bubbled of course). I think I have to put $500+ SNGs on the shelf for a while, they're just costing me money left and right. I think I just have to admit I'm getting outplayed, especially heads-up. It sure as shit doesn't feel like it, I just feel like I'm running bad, but I think I might be wrong. I'm just going to stop playing them for a good while.

That brings me to tonight. I had $2000 on Hollywood and I can't deposit anymore there because my moneybookers outgoing transaction limit is reached and it won't allow me more for at least 2 months. I really have no way of transferring around money without it (besides trading with people but hardly anyone in Winnipeg has lots of money on multiple sites).

Anyway, I decided to slam the $2k on a $25/$50 table against a super-aggro guy. I played him strong for a while, then I missed out on calling a big river bluff of his. Gah, it was so obvious. He checked the flop and the turn, then check-raised me on the turn, then pounded all-in on river. This guy was too aggro to EVER check the flop AND turn with a made hand, no matter what, and I knew that. I pussied out and couldn't call him with 2nd pair even though I called the raise with it on the turn (though I had a draw too). I really kicked myself for this, it was so obviously a bluff (he showed which confirmed it). Stupid. Then, of course, soon after I got half my stack in pre-flop with AQ vs his K9 and he outflopped me and I was done. Fairwell Hollywood Poker, it really WASN'T fun.

I then jumped on Party and played a bunch of 5/10. I started good again and was up almost $3k (wasn't saving hands, but nothing very interesting). Then the same old: - i just really thought he was drawing, turned out it was a big draw and he nails it. But wait! Just as I lose that pot I flop a set on another table, see next hand. - great. another T8 suckout. Wow, he pays the price for this draw. We have $400 freakin' dollars left on the river. Geezus. Sort of hard getting a winning session together with this shit happening non-stop... - wow, I'm not in this hand, but here is an example of some baaaaad poker. - here, might as well show one I played well and didn't get screwed on. I guess I have to make my opponent drawing dead to win. I felt pretty confident about how I played this one while it was happening. He sure makes a horrible play... - about par for the course when I 3-bet pre-flop. I could have bet more on flop, but I guess I want the call here anyway. This is how i play hands when my confidence sucks, but i guess i saved money. Shrug. I could have folded river, but he really sucker bet it. - another set down the drain. i'm 82% to win this. Sigh. So ugly. - holy crap, is this a joke? Please tell me it's a joke.

I had a huge fish on one table (the guy who cracked my AA with T8 allin preflop), so I kept playing even though it was the last thing I felt like. I couldn't catch him and watched my chips (and chips from a couple others he screwed) dwindle away, then bust as he made a retarded complete drawing dead bluff against AA for his whole stack. Then I had 77 lose to a short-stacks 33 all-in pre-flop, and I quit. Found some fish on Party tonight, which is nice, but I can't beat even them. I'm far too frustrated to play anymore tonight.

Here, feel like another crappy graph? Gee, can you tell where the beats started (specifically the two T8 ones)? Though I may have gotten a little tilty, I think I mostly kept it together, but just didn't win another hand after that. The graph shows me as down $2,400, but it was more like $2,050 (some hands were lost or had errors I guess).

I've played enough poker now and feel I'm professional enough NOT to lose my mind everytime things are going badly. I get upset, yah, but only briefly. However, instead, I now just sort of get depressed about it. I feel defeated and pessimistic. I wish I didn't, I would shut it off if I had a switch.

Down about $15k in September and it just started! So, with my confidence in the toilet, I think I need a little break. I might jump on here and there, but only if I really feel like playing, and considering how I've felt the past couple days, I don't think that'll happen often. I have a ton to do including house projects and most importantly, my real estate course. I need to get my act together with that and if I'm not playing poker I will get to it.

The past couple weeks I've been hearing about horrible things going on in the lives of many people I know (some of them very close to me). Sickness, death, and cancer all over the place. It's pretty damn scary and makes life feel so...volatile. Not to be cliche, but it really puts things in perspective. I've said to some of them I'm sending all the good Karma I can muster their way, so I guess if that's leaving me a little short on the poker tables, I won't complain.

So, basically, fuck poker, it's not my friend at the moment. I might forgive it soon, but grudgingly. I'll play when I feel like it, and like I said, that might not be much in the next couple weeks or longer. My brain and emotions are...tired. It's really hard to get up the motivation to write these blog entries too when I'm just talking/whining about losing all the time. I guess I find it a little therapeutic, sort of. Well, not really, I'm still annoyed as hell.

But, on a good note, congratulations to Michelle & John Angst on their wedding last Saturday. My son was the ringbearer and the whole night was a blast. Good times. Also, congrats to our friend's Meleyna & Jordan Bighorn on their awesome new baby boy Maleyk (spelling might be wrong). My boy is not even 2 years old, but you forget how freakin' small newborns are!

On another good note, I think I may have bought a new car to replace the Camaro! It's an 2003 Infiniti G35:

It's listed at $18k, but I think we have a deal at $16,800. It's not official or finalized yet, so we'll see. The catch is, it's in Cleveland, Ohio. My plan is to one-way fly there on Oct 19th before I go to Canterbury, then drive it the 10 hours from Cleveland to Shakopee, MN (where Canterbury Park is) for the tournaments. Hope the deal goes through because I love the car, and I'll probably save at least $7k compared to comparable vehicles in Winnipeg. Browsing around US dealerships I really noticed how much lower the prices are than in Winnipeg.

So, yah, that's it for now.

Summary: blah blah blah, losing, blah blah blah, it sucks royally, blah blah blah, life is still good though, blah blah blah, congratulations other people on their happy stuff, blah blah blah, new car, blah blah blah, bye.

EDIT: 5 minutes after finishing my entry I found a really fishy $25/$50 short-stacking table on party. Jump on and did this: - lose this coinflip on first hand, nice call J9. Thinking this was a bad idea right away... - this guy sucks. Get paid with AA. Then, two hands later: - ship it with AA again versus same guy. - my 88 help up this time. quads are fun.

The shortstack fishes left, so I quit. Made back $2600 in 40 hands (majority of profit in first 18 hands), so I'll take it. Might keep an eye on those $25/$50 tables for some of those same players. They were purely gambling.

Here, in case you've forgotten, this is what a winning graph looks like (as short as it may be).

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Champion of the World

note: be sure to read previous post below before this one.

*drum rollllllllllllllllllllllllllll*

I didn't play poker tonight! LOL.

Well, I did. I played for 10 minutes before Quentin finished his tourney (bubbled on a gross hand, ouch!) and we decided to play NHL 07. I doubled up a shortstack with AK vs QQ and finished down $400.

We then watched the first episode of High Stakes Poker season 4. It's pretty good by the way, grab it from with lightning fast speeds. I have a bunch of invites because my ratio is huge there, so if their membership is closed, e-mail me for an invite. Check if memberships are open first though.

Then I got busy on the PCH message board because Big Felter writes the longest posts in history (and so do I, I guess). Now it's too late to play. So much for my big plan! It'll have to wait for Sunday or Monday night (tomorrow is Angst's wedding).

Now I'm going to watch my nightly show and crash. I started watching "The 4400" season 4 last night. Excellent show, and I like where they've gone plot-wise in season 4. Good downloads available at I wore an t-shirt to Barca one night and everyone made fun of me. They just don't understand real fashion when they see it.

Oh yah, I accepted a late-night 5am challenge from pegcitypro on the PCH message board and nailed him for a big $6 bones. Oh, I officially became Champion of the World as a result. The exciting details here:

I feel like I really accomplished something tonight and this will take my poker career in a whole new vibrant direction.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Screw this

Running the shits since my last update a couple days ago. Tiny bit down on Betfair, about $800. $200 more in tourneys. $5k on Hollywood last night after being up $3k early on. And another $600 today in heads-up SNGs. Here is a random sampling of crap from those sessions: - typical tourney hand for me lately - my introduction to Hollywood Poker, i even catch a nice turn, too bad - i felt pretty confident about this one from watching this player for just a few rotations - this sure was a weird one. not sure what else i can do on this flop but push - this "hermaria" player is brutal. Makes really goofy plays pre-flop then follows them with illogical post-flop betting. This hand is a good example. He just played bad. You don't find a fish at these levels often anymore. - gah, i guess this is what happens when you slowplay pre-flop sometimes. oh well, I was happy to get it in here at the time, so i won't worry about the crappy result. - get a little aggressive on this one, this is what gives me my image i guess. Would be nice to hit something tonight. - little all-in pre-flop pickup - hands like this happen everytime I take a shot at $25/$50 heads-up against an opponent I've seen make a number of very weak (or way too overly-aggressive) plays. Nice little river tease think that would have been a good card for me...I even fucking fist pumped that river, geezus, makes it even more of a piss-off.

Garbage, garbage. Thought I played okay. Hollywood is a messed up site, takes some getting used to. I won't say more before I try it out longer. Betfair was confusing for the first little while too and now I like it (sort of).

Anyway, enough of my shitty whiney attitude. It's tiresome and stressful. I've been running pretty bad the majority of the past month, still in an insanely bad tournament rut, and I'm getting tired of stressing about it. I know it's not a big deal. I know that. It's has happened dozens of times before and I always recover no problem. A month rough stretch feels like a year to me everytime. Usually I recover a month's worth of crap within 1 or 2 weeks. So, now I'm going to do it again.

I've decided I'm going to start mega-multitabling $5/$10 NL. I'm going to play as many tables as I can control and play very tight (for me anyway). My thinking is 5-8 tables whenever I can, hopefully on one site, but two sites if necessary. If I'm having trouble finding games I will play $3/$6 and $2/$5 NL to fill-up tables. I might also jump in $200-$350 SNGs to fill-up tables, heads-up if I don't have many tables at the time.

Not much heads-up cash game because it takes too much attention and my heads-up confidence is worthless right now. Just frustrated, so I'm going to only play extremely weak opponents while I study the heads-up game. Going to try and read a bunch on the 2+2 HU forum and watch as many Cardrunner HU and really short-handed videos as I can.

So, that is my plan for tonight and afterwards for at least 2 weeks. No $10/$20 NL or above for a bit. Unless, of course, I find a game way too juicy to pass up, but it'll have to be REALLY good.

I'm reading the book Poker Mindset right now, about half way through. Bunch of stuff about tilt, bankroll management, managing downswings, etc, etc. All mental/emotional/psychological talk. I'll give a total review when I'm done.

So, sitting here with Quentin (who is playing some weird 4-card game called Omaha, crazy Omaha people), and going to win tonight. I don't care what I have to do I'm going to win. Might have to throw some Xbox360 NHL 07 in there too though.

I'll try to do a short update after the session if I'm not tired.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pulling my mind in a million directions

I feel like my head is spinning sometimes. I believe I've begun to pull myself in a million directions related to poker and I'm just confusing/stressing myself more than necessary. Time goes by so slowly when I think back on my poker. My goal online is to beat the $25/$50 NL games, anything I could play above that is gravy. I would be satisfied beating the $25/$50 NL game, but this is far from an easy task. The vast majority of guys competing at $25/$50 are fucking good, period. At any given time there will also be at least 2-3 players at the table who amongst the best in the world (online anyway). What I need to do is chill and realize I don't have to accomplish this tomorrow, or next month, or even next year. If I can beat $5/$10 and a lot of the $10/$20 games (because those can be pretty damn tough at times too), I can make more money doing that than anything else I could realistically do right now (and definitely with much less effort).

I've really worked on "learning" the game the last couple months, but now I'm taking so much in I think it's hurting my game and I'm trying to adapt too many new concepts. It's making me "question" my game too much. I just need to keep practicing and slowly taking in new information and not necessarily trying to force it into my game. This doesn't make much sense probably, but it's how I feel about it. If you add in the work involved in raising Owen (which is a blast, I'm not complaining), doing projects around the house that need doing, and studying this real estate course (which has been more WORRYING about studying the course), and I end up having a hard time focusing. Things will get done when they get done, and I just want to try and relax my brain a bit more, which will probably result in me getting more done anyway.

A while back I decided I needed to tighten up pre-flop and get more aggressive pre-flop with my decent hands, and I did with some pretty good success, but then I had a couple rough sessions and started loosening up and becoming more passive again. Back to the basics again, I need to remember that.

I know the time I invest in real estate will be a far smaller hourly wage (not even close probably) for at least the first two years (quite possibly more). But, at least I will never lose any damn money doing real estate. If I don't get my ass in gear with Phase 2 of the licensing course I won't have to worry about that for awhile (lol, I think I say this every week).

I checked out the Regent NL cash games. Got knocked out first in the tournament by a sneaky gutter, I suck. Then waited 2 hours for a seat in a $2/$4 NL game, played like an idiot and saw pretty much every flop, and broke even when I finally hit a couple hands. I got paid pretty big on a few not very big hands (like betting top pair, okay kicker, really strong on rivers and getting paid by people thinking I'm bluffing). A few folks didn't seem to understand when they'd see my hand and I enjoyed seeing the frustrating/disbelief on their faces. You'd think limit players would get the concept of getting maximum value from your hands. I love how everyone always thinks I'm bluffing in live games, do I have "maniac" stamped on my forehead or something? LOL, I love that reputation! Good times.

Anyway, Regent sucks. I already said my piece on the PCH message board. They're trying I guess. Regent poker is like a baby trying to walk, except they're still on the dragging themselves by the elbows stage, not quite a crawl. They'll get there one day (maybe).

Okay, so do I suck at heads-up poker? Geezus. I'm so comfortable at 3-6 handed with my favourite probably being 4 or 5 handed. But heads-up, I must be a freakin' fish. That, or I'm running VERY horribly for a few matches in a row (well, there have been a few wins here and there I guess).

Since the last update I played some standard stuff and scraped together a bit under $2k. Then, last night, I had a battle against Asiandude7 on Tilt. We played 5 matches of $1100+$30 heads-up turbo SNGs. I went win, lose, win. Then, on the 4th match I got him all-in TWICE as a 70-80% favourite, lost both, and he ended up coming back and winning. I would have quit after that 4th match up over $2k, but then I ended up down by losing the 5th match too on this beauty:

After that, I get pissed and go for the quick fix: $25/$50 capped ($1500 cap) which I've had so much success at before, I run so well at $25/$50 (for those who don't know, I'm being extraordinarily sarcastic with that comment). Oh, and I thought it would be a great idea to sit down with Grimstarr who is a successful regular player. I justified it in my head by thinking he plays too aggressively and I should be able to catch him a couple times on a cap table (I'm obviously just convincing myself to play the only opponent available). I actually end up playing him pretty well, but look at this mess of hands: - I instacall this turn with no doubt in my mind. - a few hands later I actually double up on a no-brainer - expected that turn... - there were a bunch of hands like this one, I was actually sensing him trapping me pretty well the whole match. - i played him pretty hard for a while then eventually gave up after losing another coinflip.

And on a different $1500 cap table: - first hand...woops again. This is pretty standard in a cap game I guess. - another big hand coinflip down the drain. - meh. - finally, a nice little no-brainer - lovely, this hand actually happened simultaneously as I got busted by Grimstarr. Shortly after this my account got as low as $850 after starting at $9k before the SNGs that night. I figured I may as well go down with the ship on the cap table... - I try to trap and just end up getting my money in bad and I finally get lucky. I would have been busto on Tilt if I lose this. - then I finally win a race. - Aaaaaand, then immediately lose another one. - then by some miracle I hold with a bigger A. - Decide to peel off a flop from the BB with a suited connector (which I don't do near as often in capped games), but hit a nice flop and get paid by A high. Surprised he didn't have a diamond. :P

I proceeded to slowly build to over $7k after that. - not sure about this one. Not sure if I call if the turn is a blank, but the K just made things worse, so I fold which was probably the right play and should have on the flop (or pre-flop maybe if I'm not going to push it).

Anyway, I didn't really win any hands after this and just quit at $5800. So, after being down to $850 I guess this was a nice little recovery playing somewhat "bingo" poker (especially in the frame of mind I was in). Down a little over $3k for the night, but could have, and probably should have, been more.

Tonight, I jumped back onto Betfair and played supertilt12 heads-up $10/$20. I have never seen this guy. I also have never seen a guy run so damn well. Another frustrating heads-up match where I end up feeling like I'm not out-matched, but getting owned anyway. I definitely made some bad plays though. I just was getting frustrated with him always having the winner and made a bunch of bad calls. He was just never bluffing, gah, he never had to! Might as well show a few: - woops - one of the few hands I actually had the winner, and I get no value on the river. I felt like he was trying to entice a bluff with a big A with the river check and I chickened out. I probably get called too as he RARELY folds. - dumb - terrible frustrated call. He would continually call me down with bunch touches and I could never even catch a big pair or hit a draw. But, that's no excuse for this donation. - I don't know what he has, but he caught something again. I really don't think he ever made any turn/river bluffs (I probably know that because I just didn't fold enough because everytime I did catch a half-ass hand, he hit a bigger one). - hmmm, the more of these I find the more I feel like I just played horribly. He literally NEVER bluffed on the river and I kept paying him. He outplays me huge again. - of course, another bad call...evidently. At this point I wrote "You run so damn well it's mind boggling" and he wrote "mmm true". I hardly ever chat stuff like this, don't know why I did this time. - must be nice to re-raise with J8 and nail this, but again, I end up just being outplayed. This was on a 6 max table we were both also playing (the rest of the hands below are from that table too). - I can literally never find a winning hand against this guy. But, it just ends up being another questionable hand by me I guess.

So, no one can claim I only show my good plays anymore. Wow, what a disgusting display. Obviously I lose money no matter what (fuck, I had 1 winning showdown out of all the pots that went past a flop, and trust me, he didn't fold much at that point either).

So, I dropped about $5k in that 2 hour period, so I decided it would be a great idea to slam $3k on a $25/$50 table on Party. This is obviously not a great idea with the state of frustration I was in, but whatever. I start off with a semi-tilty play on the very first hand (though I know this opponent was steaming from just losing the majority of his stack a couple times in a row): - good start - I didn't think he could call this river without a Q minimum... - standard, happy be doesn't bet turn. :P - here is the big one! I'll be honest: I had no freakin' clue what was going on and just hit call hoping for the best. This opponent was unknown to me. It didn't really look like a bluff, I totally expected to see some crap like AQ, but for the first time tonight I made a call that actually worked out. I'm either a genius or a calling station. Regardless, I'll take it.

So, basically I hit a few no-brainer hands that I didn't really play all that amazingly and they just worked out. Back to even from my stupid Betfair session. I'm probably very lucky to be even tonight so far.

That is about 4 sessions in a row I've dug a hole (of various sizes) for myself and crawled back to life while on the brink of disaster. I have grown a goatee and picked 2 gray hairs out of it this morning...

I'm looking at trading in my Camaro for a nice car, something semi-luxury and sharp looking. I've had my eye on this Infiniti G35 for a while, but am not sure what I think of the interior, it's okay. It drives sweet though! I might go for a 2nd test drive.

It's John Angst's wedding this Saturday. My son Owen is the ringbearer. Should be great times! Really looking forward to it and seeing a bunch of people I haven't partied with in awhile. Angst's stag last weekend was at a buddy's cabin at Inverness Falls. Buncha maniacs that group! It was a crazy good time, though I was definitely one of the tamest people there. I'll leave it at that. :)

I had a few more people come up to me at Regent and comment about enjoying this blog. I appreciate that as it's nice knowing people are actually taking the time to read it and taking an interest. Please continue to introduce yourself if I haven't met you (or don't seem to recognize you, I met a TON of people at Barca over the years and it's hard to keep everyone and their names straight sometimes!).

Time to crash.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Poker Court Drama & Summer Goin' Gooooood

First of all, I'd just like to give the awesome legal system in Manitoba a nice little "Hurrah!" for the excellent way they're handling the court proceedings for all the corrupt criminals caught in the poker raids.

This morning I witnessed all 70 or so people take time off work (many of them their whole day off) to go to their first court hearing. All 70 of them were marched up to the judge individually and told they'd have to come back on September 25th. Ummm...yah...nice organization there. Time well spent I'd say. Good luck to all the players and dealers involved in this embarrassing fiasco.

Anyway, quick update on my poker playing this past week or so. After my downswing of almost 10k on the last update, I mentioned I really wanted to guard against it spiralling into a huge rut. That plan didn't start great as I dropped another 3k immediately afterwards. However, I felt like I actually played really well so didn't sweat it too much.

I took a couple days off and started doing more work around the house. I've been painting like a madman for the past week and am enjoying it. Nice to be able to move again since my back got better.

I returned somewhat refreshed, not feeling quite as frustrated anymore, and have been doing alright since making back $12.5k. I'm also happy to see I've started making money and feeling confident in heads-up SNGs with $3k of the $12k from those.

I've decided I'd like to try out some new sites. Partly out of curiosity and partly because I always seem to run well with a new account on a new site (maybe it's because I'm more unknown? Makes me wonder if I should change accounts more often...). I've signed up at RedNines (Prima network), Hollywood (Ongame network), and Titan. I deposited $2k on Hollywood, won some heads-up SNGs, then lost it all to a crazy aggro-donkey in $10/$20 heads-up. I really wish I could have reloaded against him, but Hollywood will only allow me to deposit $1k/day. No matter how much I bug them and how much ID verification I send in, they won't increase it. They just say to contact them after 30 days and they'll reassess (and probably raise my limits I imagine). So, now I'm just depositing $1k every once in a while and will go back once I reach $5k I guess. I'm at $3k now. Annoying. Way to accomodate to high stakes players...
I read Ace On The River by Barry Greenstein. Honestly, not that great. I mentioned a little about it in my last update. Well, the technical parts in the 2nd half are pretty damn standard plays. I didn't really pick up anything.

I've received all the books I ordered and will review them as I read them. Right now I'm going over the Pot Limit Omaha section of Doyle's Super System 2 and skimming through The Poker Mindset (I don't think this will be mind-blowing, but it can't hurt and I'm interested to see what they have to say from an emotional/lifestyle viewpoint). I will also read Full Tilt's Tournament Edition book because I heard it was good, we'll see. I'm also downloaded some good looking videos from Cardplayers and will review those soon (I read in the comments that one by Green Plastic from UB deals a lot with playing super-aggro opponents which I sometimes struggle with).

I added a couple new good blogs on the right. One is MUCKEMSAYUHH (Tilt) & cts (Stars), guy named Cole. Other is Phil Gandolf who is OMGCLAYAIKEN (Tilt) and is commonly known as Jman on some sites and Internet forums. I still keep up on Brian Townsend's too. I got rid of Paul Wasicka because he never updates it (has been over a month).

I'm going to both Canterbury and Regina!!! Canterbury will be around Oct 19 - Oct 25, and Regina is Nov 6 - Nov 11. I've never been to Canterbury, and Regina is always fun and we should have a good group out there. We're hoping to have some good Pegcity Hustling gear for the guys to wear out there.

Joe Williams mentioned he's been talking to some guys and they want to get the big local game going again at Regent. It wouldn't be a regular thing, we'd just plan ahead to meet there on certain nights once every week or two, and probably let Regent know ahead of time we're coming. That would be awesome and a lot of fun, but I'm not sure if they can spread any $5/$10 NL or higher. It would probably be max 100BB buy-ins (which I hate live!), but whatever. Better than nothing. Guess we'll see if it can even run first.

So, all-in-all, things are pretty damn good. Loving life with my wife and son (who is definitely turning into a little boy, almost two!) and have some great plans coming up for the rest of the summer. Getting work done on the house too which is amazing, and about time. Caught up with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while lately. All that is left is getting some of this damn real estate course in. Well, I got time still (but not much!).

John Angst's stag this weekend out at West Hawk Lake. Going out to Pinawa Friday to visit, then West Hawk Sat/Sun, back to Pinawa, then back home Tuesday or so. Should be a blast and will be a nice break from cards.
