Friday, April 6, 2007

Yay for donkaments!

Well, interesting night...figured i only wanted to play for a little bit, so why not get stuck in a tournament all night? Oh well, worked out well. :) I put a lot of work into this blog entry, so you bastards better read it!

Jumped into the midnight PokerStars $100+$9 tourney. 287 players. I agreed on a 3-way even chop for 1st for $5,414. You shoulda seen the runaround I gave them, haha, I hate chopping and one guy was pretty bad, but the blinds were ridiculously huge and they wouldn't shut up about it (and I was 3rd in chips, but barely). Anyway, I ended up winning when we played it out for leaderboard points (not that I give a shit), stupid deals, cost me $2.5k. I catalogued pretty much the entire tournament below. I pretty much paid no attention during most of the tournament as I was preoccupied with cash game. Didn't even notice I was close to final table until I was moved there! Online tournaments are so no-brainer I find, but good when I just feel like relaxing. My last two final tables in online tourneys I've been oversetted for huge pots and finished 8th in both. Maybe I did so well this time because I probably only missed a rotation's worth of hands from being distracted in cash games, I usually miss more like 30% of them. Oh, and I turned card animation on for the first time in years, was fun seeing cards one at a time in a tourney, made me feel warm and fuzzy...haha....ahhhh....donkaments....

Since I now had some time to kill during the tournament played some $5/$10 on PP. I posted some hands way below (below the tourney hands). As you can see I lost some stupid ones, but still came out $300 to the good which isn't bad considering a couple ugly ones I lost. I just quit while I was still up so i could focus on the final table of the tourney.

Oh, and I also jumped into two $220+$10 HU SNGs on PS and took them both down, but blew a quick $100 on $3/$6 NL against a shortstack fish.

Online cash & SNG (since blog start): +$6,821
Tournaments (since blog start): +$5,183
Penguin Club $10/$25 (since game start in Nov/06): +$23,000

Buttload of hands from tournament and cash game know how hard it is to catalogue this shit while playing 4 cash games (2 of them heads-up) and a tournament? you should have seen all the random crap I typed into the PokerStars window because it grabs your keyboard focus when a hand pops up.

GroovyT said, "ubbed my toe jumping over the edge"
samgwestkid said, "what??"
gcDanno said, "huh?"
GroovyT said, "Stupid PokerStars"
samgwestkid said, "i don't get it"


this hand is nothing special, but the main point is: look how many chips I had before the
hand...made a little comeback after this...
donation in tourney...
good ol' no-brainer tournament poker, this gets me back into things...
must of had TT in the tournament at least 6 times. I don't necessarily like the pre-flop call, but
he values me in and whatever, I wanted to hit a T. Right fold on flop I figure, guy is a rock.
i leave to take various sorts of medication, purely medicinal of course, and get back to the
tourney with 4 seconds left in my time bank and this hand. I stubbed my toe jumping over the edge
of the couch...
Haha, all I really did was push all-in, guess that's donkaments for you. These are back-to-back
hands. For the record, I don't really like the first but whatever, and the 2nd I just like the
dialogue afterwards :P
samgwestkid said, "lol hes bluffing the bluffers"
GroovyT said, "yah, screw em"

i put my tournament on the line, but if I'm going to call with that shite preflop, what else am i
hoping to flop? jam it!
nailed it! thought we were getting it in, too bad...
meh, it was gonna happen inevitably, this guy pushed the blinds all the time, i'd call him
everytime here, doesn't work out...
knew this guy would bite...sucker...
woo...if i hit like this in cash game I'd be a fucking millionaire...this is my "I refuse to be
blinded out" move...
i hate this, but once I decide to call the 9k, i gotta call the extra 15k, or maybe i don't,
whatever, i still have chips :)
standard double-up!
i must have knocked out at least 4 players from my big blind, here's another...
gah...of course...brutal...wouldn't make a deal with my own mother if this held...


just try to get him to fold preflop, then look what happens, bullshit....serves me right I does 92 ski-doo not hold?!?!? bullshit....
ew, look at this ugly hand, glad the guy plays it like a pussy. I thought he was about to push
allin on turn, i'm not sure if i call, not a lot of equity without a diamond...
donation to the charity of "me"...
isn't winning a big pot with a set the best? i don't often check the turn in hands like this,
just felt like the right play this time, turns out it didn't really matter...
What the hell is he calling with on the flop? :)
yes! i get to screw a shortstack for once! this guy was fucking terrible, so this is a complete
ah damn it, this guy had such a huge range of 3-betting preflop in late position or blinds, i
could have let go, i had a bad feeling but still went with it, should have folded i guess but
tough spot against aggressive 3-better who would play AJ the same...meh, yah, should have folded


Anonymous said...

lol, great entry. laughed out loud a few times. good job trav on the tourney! get those bastards at penguin club next week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Trav,
I just found this blog today. This is interesting keep it up. DO you like when people comment? If so I would say:

1. H0ly f*ck I say some of the funniest shit on pokerstars when playing 4 tables at a time and in a chatty mood. At the same time get sooooo mad when want to write one sentence and have it in 4 fragments on each screen.

2. 33 hit your set...that will teach you to double raise you sick fuck you know how I feel about those.

3. Nice limp with 1010. Very nice.

4. Good to see you saturday. I will make penguin club one of these days.


Travis Brown said...

Do I like when people comment? Well, that depends on the comments. I guess yours are acceptable. Permission granted to comment in the future. If you swing by Penguin sometime when I'm playing bring some freakin' luck with you please.